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Vince checked me out of the hospital a few days later, and I was feeling a lot better.

My body has gained 4 pounds in the couple days I was hooked up to the IV, I know that 4 pounds is not a lot but when you weigh 50 pounds at 11 years old, you accept these pounds graciously.

Vince and I are talking in the car, more like he's telling me jokes, I have never heard jokes before, so if anyone says those are old jokes, all I can say is that there not old to me.

"What did one wall say to the other?" Vince asked in his southern accsent.

"What?" I asked excited to know the answer. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much, and I'm sure they are pink from all the laughter.

"Meet you at the corner!" I started giggling like a madman, Vince joined me. His laugh was so amusing, it was like what Vince described himself, as a deep belly laugh.

"Another!" I command, my giggles not subsiding.

"Okay, okay, um, what did one ocean say to the other?" He asks me, also letting out a laugh between words.

"I don't know."

"Nothing, I just waved." He said shrugging, with a small smile playing on his pink lips.

As he was driving me was telling me more funny jokes, making me laugh, we pulled up to a big, rundown house.

"Vince, why are we here?" I questioned never taking my eyes off the place.

"Honey, you are a ward of the state, so you have to stay in a foster house, actually, it's more like an orphanage." He explained.

I looked at him for a quick second and say his sorrowful face, we had gotten quite close in the days we spent together. He only left my hospital room, when he was forced because visiting hours were over. I had a feeling I wasn't going to see him again. I knew I shouldn't have gotten close to him, he's just going to leave me like everybody else. I knew it.

"Why would you take me out of that basement if you were just going to put me here?" I asked, betrayed.

"This is not going to be anything like that! Blake, there is nothing I can do! I'm sorry..." He tries to explain, but my trust in him is gone. 

Vince played by Ryan Kwanten

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