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We are all wishing Blake good luck, as the nurse; Juliette, who's been taking care of Blake the last five days, is preparing her for her last surgery. This past few days Blake has had two surgeries. Doctor Hoyle, has been cleaning out all of Blake's infections. So far, she's made good progress with healing.

Dr. Hoyle even said that she might be able to go home earlier than planned, with her rate of progress.

Blake's been strong throughout these three, going on four procedures. Even though, everytime the anesthesiologist comes in with the anesthetics before surgery, Blake always has fear evident on her young face and she rarely fights back.

Juliette and Harry can usually calm her down the few times she does struggle. Harry usually sings one of our songs for her, while Juliette rubs her head, while humming along.

Now, she's slowly slipping into unconsciousness as the anesthetics take over her. Juliette and a few other nurses, who've been helpful these past couple of days, start disconnecting Blake from all of the machines. And wheeling her bed out the door.

They let us lads kiss her head. And reassure her that everything is going to be alright. She's asleep by the time that they are walking down the hall.


It's been about three hour since Blake went into surgery and, there has not been any updates about her current state.

The boys and I are starting to worry. About fifteen minutes ago, a group of nurses rushed through the doors into the part of the hospital where the operation rooms are. And they haven't come back out.

We just hope it wasn't Blake the were there for.

"Louis, she's going to be okay."

"Niall, you don't know that. No one knows that." I snap.

"I know, Lou. Just trying to help."

"Please, just I need it to be quiet. Nothing can happen to her." I plea.

"Louis, she might be perfectly fine, or she might not. No one knows for sure, yet. That doesn't mean it's okay to snap at Niall for just trying to help." Liam is the one to snap at me for snapping.

But he's right. No one can predict what is going to happen today.

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