Chapter 1

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I was born to rule over all Alpha's. I was born to take down the powerful, the most ruthless Alpha's there are, the ones that think they can do anything to anyone below them.
The moon goddess made me to take out the evil, to take down anything that tried to hurt our kind or any of the supernatural creatures.
She made me the protector of them and that's what I'm going to do. Let's start from the beginning.


I made my way down the stairs to see Mom and Dad hugging each other. I smile and see them turning around giving me the biggest smiles they have ever gave me.

"Happy sweet sixteen, princess!" Dad said as he came over and gave me a hug.
That's right today is my sweet sixteen. The day I'm suppose to find my mate.

"Happy birthday sweet heart!" My Mom said giving me a smile as she handed me my breakfast kissing my cheek.

"Now we won't be able to spend most of the day with you since we have rouge's snooping around!" Dad said as he sat down next to me running his hands through my light brownish red hair.

"I hope you understand sweet heart!" Mom said with sadness in her voice.
It always seemed to be this way on my birthday. Rouge's would come around and make my Mom and Dad miss my birthday, but me being an Alpha's daughter I had to understand that.
I plastered on a fake smile and look up at my parents

"Yeah! I understand, you guys are Alpha and Luna so you have to do what you have to do!" I said.
They walked over to me and hug me kissing my cheeks

"Thank you sweetheart for understanding! I love you!" My mom said as her light brown hair fell off her shoulder as she smiled at me.
They both stood up and waved goodbye to me. Leaving me alone on my birthday. Again. A sigh escaped my lips as I clean up my mess and headed up stairs getting changed into my training clothes.
Being the Alpha's daughter you had no free time at all. All you was granted to do was train, eat, and sleep. It wasn't as bad as it seems but having your Dad as Alpha, he made you work ten times harder.
I always thought that my Dad was being to hard on me, pushing me to my limits to where I almost pass out. I made my way out to the training grounds and start to run around the laps.
I felt the sweat drip down from my chin as it fell on my sports bra, the heat rushing through my body. I slowed down after the fifth tenth lap and take a drink of water.
I wipe the sweat from my forehead about to run off to the shower real quick when I heard someone screaming.
I rush towards the sound and see the pack out on fire as rouge's spirit out of the woods attacking pack members, tearing them to shreds as they sink their teeth into the pack members neck.
I was about to rush over and help when my Mother came out of no where with blood on her olive green dress

"Mom!" I said scared

"Come on!" My Mom said pulling on my arm making me run towards the safe house.

"Mom! Wheres Dad?" I asked breathing hard from running before.

"He's defending the pack. Hurry hurry get inside now! Don't you come out of this safe house until I tell you to do you understand." Mom said as she was about to close the door.
I stop the door with my hand making my Mom look at me shocked

"What about you and Dad? A-and every one else?" I asked

"Don't worry, me and Dad will come back to you we promise. I love you so much sweetheart don't you ever forget that!" Mom said slamming the door and locking it from the outside.
The way she said was like she was never coming back to me.
I bang and bang on the door as hard as I could, I wanted to help. I wanted to see my Mom and Dad come out of this alive.
I slammed my shoulder into the door trying to get it to open but it wouldn't budge

"No! No please open!" I cried as I try to slam into it again but it wouldn't budge.
I slammed my bloody hands against the door crying, I looked around the room and see a small window just below the ceiling.
I backed up towards the door and ran as fast as I could jumping up the wall and grabbing onto the window handle and pull my self up.
I open the window all the way and pull myself out slowly trying not to slip back into the safe room, I crawled out of the small window and see dirt in the wounds on my hands.
I rush to get up and my eyes go wide with a horrific face. The White Moon pack slaughtered. I walked pass the pack members seeing wolves laying on the floor with their stomach open while blood stained the floor below them.
I search around for Mom and Dad and see them laying on the ground. I rush towards them seeing claw marks against there stomachs as the blood stained the floor under them.
I held there hands trying to get them to wake up. Sobs escaped my lips as I knew they were gone and they weren't coming back. My Mom and Dad. The pack. All of's gone.

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