😲Adrien's Brother?😵

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June's P.O.V.

"Good news, Ms. L/N," the doctor announced. "Your body's recovering quite quickly than we expected."

I squealed. "See?" I told you, you're not gonna die!"

But his face darkened. "However, we still need to test to see if it's already safe, and that your body can handle it."

Paris crossed his arms. "And... how long would that take?"

The doctor placed his stethoscope around his neck. "About a couple of hours, give or take."

Y/N sighed. "O- okay. Thanks."

The doctor was about to leave the room, but he turned around. "You have the same last name of the girl my brother always tell me stories about," he nodded to her. "Are you Y/N L/N?"

"Yeah, that's me," she pointed to herself. "And who's your brother?" 

Instead of answering, the doctor adjusted his name tag.

"Dr. deValois?" We asked in unison.

"Yes, that's right. Adrien deValois is my younger brother," he introduced, then shaked our hands. "I'm Aiden deValois, age 20."

"20?" Minuet asked him. "Isn't that a little young to..."

"Nah, it's fine. I'm in training." He smiled.

"Nice to meet you..." I breathed.

We heard a watch alarm. "Well, sorry guys, but I should be going. Later!" He left.

Y/N hit me with a pillow. "Gross, June. You're getting saliva on the floor."

"Yiiee, June's daydreaming!" Paris teased.

My cheeks went light pink. "Daydreaming? Who said I'm daydreaming?" I asked frantically.

Minuet chuckled. "Come on, it's obvious you've got a thing for Aiden."

"No, I don't." I sat heavily on one of the hospital chairs.

The three looked blankly at me.


"Big bro!" A high- pitched voice echoed outside.

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