A Deep Breath, And Then...

Start from the beginning

"God, we're lame," Riku realizes, taking a swig of his water.

"Wouldn't have it any other way, though," Ven counters. "I like being lame."

"Me too," you agree happily.

All doubt's instantly washed away. Your emotions are on such a roller coaster, it's hard to keep track. But ultimately, you always fall back to this feeling, one of peace and confidence.

Whenever you question your part in this, or your ability to win, you always end up remembering your first encounter with Zack and Cloud... meeting everyone else back at Headquarters... being saved by Axel as he left the Organization, only to save him in return... watching Ven, Terra, and Aqua come back to life... standing off against Vanitas' replica, only for him to disappear into nothingness... finally meeting the real person behind the mask, and learning to cherish him – faults and all... learning of your true role in this battle, and watching as two friends fall to the darkness...

It's for them. They're why you fight, and they're the people who will be by your side in the end, no matter what happens. You fight to remember the good, so that you can endure whatever life throws at you together.

"Hey," you call out, wiping a tear from your cheek as you start to smile. Everyone looks at you with confused expressions, wondering why you're crying yet happy. "I love you guys. And I know you're all just gonna make fun of me for crying once this is all over... but I don't care. I still love you."

"Aw. So sappy," Noctis teases, chuckling as you shoot him a glare.

"Definitely gonna make fun of you later," Leon adds.

"I know," you reply with a grin.

You wouldn't have it any other way.


The sun falls over the vast canyons and jutting mountains, bathing the land in a soft, pale glow. Shadows extend just beyond each ragged hill, dancing and intertwining as the sun slowly moves higher and higher. What light remains reflects off of endless metal, a sharp, blinding light greeting anyone unlucky enough to be stuck in such a place.

The remnants of a terrible war fought, left here – alone and forgotten – as their owner's bodies have long since vanished.

It's been more than ten years since this place has seen bloodshed. And now, it prepares for one, final battle – one that was started ages ago, and will finally be finished.

"I should have known I'd find you here."

Xehanort glances over his shoulder, finding his young self perched on a tall boulder behind him. One of his knees is tucked into his chest, watching his older self with a completely blank expression.

"Don't you have an assignment to finish?" Xehanort asks.

"I'm done," YX (Young Xehanort... -_-) replies, dropping his leg so that his hands fall into his lap, leaning his head back against the rock behind him. "They're not easy to crack."

"Try harder then," Xehanort snaps, not in the mood for excuses.

"All due respect, I fail to see the merit in such actions. What's the harm in leaving them alone and just letting them fight?" YZ presses, not in the mood to be bossed around.

"If you want to be the one who dies, be my guest."

YZ's lips curl up in a lopsided smirk as he hops off the boulder, walking towards his hunched-over other. He practically towers over him at this point.

"They'll be the ones to die. Not us," he argues. "They're growing suspicious that someone's watching them, in their dreams. It's backfiring."

"Then maybe they're more perceptive than I've given them credit," Xehanort responds with a heavy sigh. "Fine. Cease the meddling."

"Already did."

Xehanort rolls his eyes, grumbling to himself about the young man's poor attitude.

"Is everything prepared?" YZ asks, looking down at the old man.

"Yes. My failure of a protégé is effectively sealed away. And Terra has proven himself to be too weak to break free. Again."

A smile grows on YZ's face, peering out at the expansive valley as a burst of wind blows his hair back.

"Then now, we wait."

"Now, we wait," Xehanort agrees with a nod.

They fail to notice a man standing atop the highest peak, dressed all in black with his face hidden in the dark shadows cast from his hood. His Keyblade is placed in the ground, half of his body weight resting against it as his head remains low.

A lone blue eye blinks, taking in the scene.

It's almost time.

I can hardly wait.

To watch how this all ends.



Finale starts next chappie

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