Chapter fifty-eight

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My naturally not so perfect life was now all broken.

All the pieces I had picked together all these years had all been taken away from me and broken once again.

Each put together piece had been taken apart and then each piece broken into two — making each one, two, and me twice as broken.

My depression, anxiety attacks and insomnia had quadrupled.

I knew it was noticeable to my family and friends. I tried to contain it but the fear from receiving messages constantly from a stalker wasn't easy to hide.

I'd been receiving threatening messages for more than a week now. All this person seemed to want was for me to confess all I knew to my father.

It wasn't only to my father, more like he wanted me to make it public for some reason I didn't know. He seemed to get off on torturing me with text after text. He also seemed overly concerned with my past.

Sometimes he made sense but most times he didn't. Like how he told me that he wanted to know what I'd planned out as revenge for Kyle and Xander. Something I couldn't for the life of me understand because his words were most times creepy and vague. This was because they contradicted themselves at times. Sometimes it seemed he wanted me to make it public and other times, it seemed he didn't.

Just as he had asked me to delete a certain video I had connected to the accident. Something I didn't have but was with Kyle and I'd no idea how to tell him to destroy it.

A world weary sigh left me as I played with the straw in my smoothie as I sat in a cafe eating a late breakfast. I was here because I needed to think outside my home or store.

I had a fashion show coming up but I couldn't find the enthusiasm to make my first fashion show a success. It was clear that Mia, Mathilda and Jericho noticed this and found it weird but they didn't comment as I participated and did everything that needed to be done. But in spite of all these, the fact that I was a little robotic in my ways stayed obvious.

The inspiration to sketch was even harder to find. Something that always came easily even in my dark times was hard to find right then.

I was out of concentration and out of self and the worst thing was the bastard said I couldn't tell anyone. I might have done what he wanted just to get my peace but something told me that even if I told my father, he'd still tell the world and that's what made me so indecisive.

Another reason was that, the way I saw it, all of these seemed like a game to whoever this motherfucker was and he was enjoying toying with me because he knew I'd never willingly tell my dad.

I was so confused and a little scared but I couldn't tell my shrink or the police and not just because of the warning the unknown number gave me but because I knew that would just be more trouble and make things more ... difficult or complex if you will.

I had paid the bill for my breakfast and finished eating but all I was doing was now using the tip of two fingers to twist and turn the straw in a smoothie I ordered after eating just to have a reason to keep on sitting and avoid going to a store where I disappointed and puzzled people — or my house where I made my father and my best friend wary and scared for me — or at Caden's, where he never mentioned anything as I tried extra hard for him but I knew my boyfriend and knew he suspected something already.

I gave another heavy sigh before I brought the straw I had turned to a toy to my lips. I leisurely sucked on the drink but I began sputtering as something unexpected happened.

My throat clogged as I watched Xander, the third member of the three boys from hell, come into the cafe I was in. He made a beeline to my table with his eyes fixed on me.

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