Chapter thirty

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If you are uncomfortable with sexual content, it's okay. But if they begin in this chapter and you don't want to read it move down to the dots because a secret is going to be revealed today.

I was in the middle of looking at Caden's turned face. He was presenting the side of his face to me to avoid continuing our conversation. While I stared at him, smiling at his stubbornness, that I found annoying as well as funny and adorable at times. Times like this to be precise.


"Hmm," Caden replied without looking at me. Making my lips twist some more.

I shifted closer to him and poked him. "Caden."

His expression was still stoic but I knew he wasn't angry with me. It was just how he looked when he was having neutral feelings or when he was having conflicting feelings and wanted them to correct themselves by the force of his will.

I poked him again but he caught my hand before I could retract it and now looked at me with a lifted brow.

I gave him a bland look in return and I freed my hand. "All I need from you is to admit that you're wrong or at least admit that there could be another reason than the one you concluded."

Caden's cool eyes bored into mine, willing me to back down but in the time we have spent together, I learnt that doing that wasn't enough for him. He had to also know that I actually agreed with him and that I wasn't just doing it to appease him. But in certain situations, I wouldn't let him win. Like now.

His lips quirked as he gave me a crooked smile that was too charming for my own good but I still stood my ground. I had no idea what was going through that amazing mind of his but I knew I'd like to know but he had never say.

"I agree with you."

I blinked as I watched him roll his eyes. I didn't expect him to really agree with me. Because I wasn't even an expert in this matter. I had been watching a movie in his house, waiting for him to get back from work. He had come back with his normal closed off expression that seemed to brighten when he saw me.

But that might have just been wishful thinking on my part.

Well, I had felt like asking and he surprisingly answered. The problem was that the contract Kevin had won, the CEO had said that the reason he had given Kevin the contract was because he put life into the project and really wanted it but that Caden wasn't really interested in winning it.

Caden now was arguing that he wasn't insulted because he knew that it was false, and also that he knew what he had to endure from his father when he lost that contract then. He believed that the reason the man didn't give him was because Caden had just succeeded in a major project at the time and was receiving a lot of offers.

So, Caden believed that the man was just angry that just because Caden was popular at the time didn't mean that he would do it right or that he would give Caden his own project. According to Caden, he probably just denied him because he wanted to spite him and show him that there was something he wouldn't get.

I had told Caden that the man might have been saying the truth. It might just be as simple as he thought Caden wouldn't have time for him and dedicate his time to his project. And since, it was the man's company he wanted someone that really wanted to do the project and will give it his entire focus.

Caden had disputed it and after a lot of arguments on both sides. We ended up here with me calling his name after my argument had shut him up when I gave him an impenetrable point. He had gone silent after that and after some time had now agreed.

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