Chapter forty

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The first thing I did was to swallow at the deadly look in those green eyes then look at his obviously gym built body. He looked older than me with at least five years. Or could be more or loss. Then my heart skipped one too many beats and not in a good way-at the way I was alone in my house with this kind of boy and more boys like him.

I moved back into the wall some more and tried to control my breathing. I looked at the two other forms that stood apart from each other in my house but still in it and felt my fear reduce a little because the next boy I looked at was looking at me with pity, kindness and heavy guilt-which was very hard to understand.

His lean build and warm brown eyes that complimented his brown hair was nothing like green-eyed guy who was glaring. The last boy had whiskers on his face but had a normal calmer look about him but that same pity and guilt hung around the edges of his eyes. He had pale blue eyes and a slightly muscular build than the second guy but not like the green eyed one.

"Why are we here exactly?" Green eyes asked with a menacing growl that made me squeak but it wasn't heard as nice boy with brown eyes gave him a disbelieving look and pale eyes gave him a look of irritation like he expected him to ask that and wasn't surprised-but was still disgusted.

Green eyes shrugged and glared in my direction. "We have been waiting for that tiny thing to wake up and come home from the hospital. For three days!" He spat with a look of disbelief and disgust like it was my fault that I had been unconscious.

Pale-eyes rolled his eyes. "Stop being dramatic, Devon."

Green eyes/Devon snarled and took a threatening step towards the boy as he whirled to him but held himself to the spot when the other boy didn't even blink and held his ground.

Devon breathed in and out and seemed to try for patience. "We wouldn't have had to wait in front of her house since the day after the accident, if both you idiots had agreed for us to go to her ward and talk to her."

The nice looking browned eyed boy snorted. "So you could finally kill her?"

Narrowed green eyes was what he got in response. Then a growl. "It. Wasn't. My. Fault!"

"Then whose fucking fault was it?" Came another growl that was surprisingly from brown eyes.

I was obviously forgotten because the two faced off and the other guy just watched with trepidation he was trying to hide with a cool look but he kind of looked tired.

"I never knew who was in the car, Kyle." Devon hissed looking at nice boy who I now knew was Kyle.

"We didn't have to know that! We were too drunk to drive especially you. You were high and drunk." Kyle replied with a voice full of emotion.

My brain was too frozen at the moment as I watched this but it seemed like they were saying they were the people in the other car that hit us and got away. Because Dex had said only our car had been left on the scene. The other person had not been found but they had said there was no way the person should have been able to leave or be alive but I could see evidence right in front of me.

Devon turned to silent boy and said. "Xander, tell Kyle the truth."

Xander/cool boy scoffed and ignored Devon. He turned to Kyle who looked like he was tearing up while my eyes were dry and mind told me we would process what was going on later. "Kyle, just calm down."

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