Chapter forty-one

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Moving through the motions, trying not to pick a certain person's calls, deleting that person's texts without reading them and not thinking about that person were my daily routine now.

Three days after and Caden had called me one too many times till I blocked his number and then blocked the second number he called with and I was sure pride and self-respect didn't make him call with a third.

Adam had asked what was wrong because he had heard something in my voice that made him worried. He'd asked and I'd been tempted to confide in him but I couldn't tell him it was his father and half brother so I just kept it to myself. Telling him the same thing I told Lucca, Lucy and Andrea when they asked. “I’m fine.”

“Erica, are you sure you shouldn't rest? We have met this month's demand perfectly and profit has doubled but you don't even look excited nor like your sleepless nights had just been rewarded.”

I looked into Mathilda's concerned and warm eyes and gave the same fake smile I gave every one. I realized as I looked at her that I'd zoned out again and not for the first time these days. And though I knew the smile I gave her didn't look convincing, I knew it was the best I could come up with.

I couldn't seem to fake a smile as well as normal because this wasn't normal to me. I was trying too much and too hard and it was because these past nights had been difficult for me. I'd been having repetitive dreams of the three rich bastards and then waking up to thoughts of Caden.

There was no escape in sleep and neither was there one in waking up.

My life was hell to me. It was as bad as having a short nap in the afternoon and dreaming about the same dream then sleeping at night that same day and having the same dream again. Twice in one day.

I could have taken pills though as I knew I was depressed at the moment and wasn't doing anything wrong if I did but I didn't want to take it. I felt like punishing myself for never really giving thought to the fact that Caden was too rich and too out of my class for me to even be having an affair with him.

“I’m fine. I just feel a little tired that's all.” I finally replied Mathilda.

Mathilda looked doubtful but shrugged. “I actually think you're just wind up from all this stress. You should unwind.” I got her meaning and a small smile formed, it was bitter but I was kind of amused because it was so ironic at the moment—as that was the farthest thing from what I wanted.

She saw my smile and her face brightened and a twinkle of mischief lighted her eyes. “You should totally get laid.”

I snorted. She chuckled. “No, seriously. What of that hot grey eyed man that came to visit you that afternoon?” Mathilda asked with a dreamy expression but she sobered as I flinched as if physically struck.

“What's wrong?”

I stuttered. “N-nothing.”

Mathilda's eyes narrowed. “That's the exact thing you did the other day when I mentioned him in the presence of Andrea. It wasn't this bad though as you only looked wary then.”

I remembered the day she was talking about. We had all met up for lunch before coming back to the store and Andrea to her club. Mathilda though, had brought up Caden but after seeing my pleading look covered it up before Andrea could ask what she meant. After the lunch, Mathilda had asked why I'd looked like that and not wanted Andrea to know about Caden but I had ignored the question.

I sighed. “The problem is, he is no one. He just needed my help but didn't want anyone to know about it. Now it's ended but it had still be weird if my friends knew because I wouldn't tell them everything as it's something personal to him and I wouldn't be able to talk about it. Him being Adam's older brother and all would also make it awkward and a mess.”

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