Chapter thirteen

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As James drove us through the gates of the mansion, I found myself smiling at the familiarity of everything. The mansion was still the same but I felt less intimidated by it. Dorothy wasn't at the front door this time but she was the first person I saw as I entered. She smiled and came forward to hug me, saying, "It's so good to see you again."

After my initial surprise, I hugged her back, laughing softly. "It's good to see you too."

She laughed too. "Carlos is out now but he will want to see you when he gets back. He missed having someone cook in the kitchen with him. So, I would advise you to rest before he gets back because you wouldn't be able to when he does."

After dropping my bag on the side table in the room, I threw myself on the bed and slept immediately my head hit the pillow.

I suddenly woke up feeling like I had forgotten to do something important. I was thinking about it when I remembered that I was supposed to meet Katherine at her place. I checked the clock and saw that I still had enough time to change and rush to her place.


We had been talking about other things since I arrived at her house, but I knew she was anxious to know the reason I didn't want to continue modelling. I was trying to delay that talk because I promised to tell her the reason but now that I was sitting with her, I didn't want to anymore.

"You know talking about other things wouldn't stop me from asking you though. You seem reluctant but I still want to know." She said with a knowing look that made me sigh.

"So, what is the big secret?" She said looking too excited.

I smiled at her expression. "It's not that great of a secret. You would be so disappointed, I just want to become a shoe designer."

Katherine blinked in obvious surprise, showing that was not what she had expected me to say.

After the surprise cleared, she smirked. "That is a very big secret."

I rolled my eyes and she smiled with a glint in her eyes. "So, are you at least good at it? Because I have known you for a while now and I don't think you will do anything without thinking of it then thinking some more. However, I also know that there are times when a person can love doing something but be bad at it."

I smiled knowing she was trying to help by stopping me from making a possible mistake. I shrugged and said, "I am a little good at it, I just have always loved doing it and I want it to be official now."

She looked at me for some time before a wide smile graced her face. "I am sure that you are good at it because you sound sure of yourself."

"So, is it going to be privately owned or for a fashion house?"

"Privately owned." I said automatically and she laughed.

"I knew it! You LOVE your privacy. You can't work for or with anyone. You will be terrible at any kind of team work."

"Andrea said the exact same thing." I stated with a fond smile.

She smiled back. "I would love to meet that your Andrea some day. You really love her because you talk about her a lot."

I fought to keep my smile on my face because I was a little skeptical about both of them meeting. Andrea was always too protective of me. I doubt she would accept Katherine with open arms and I knew this because when I told her about Kate, she automatically said that she didn't trust her.

I couldn't tell Katherine that though. So I said, "She will be very happy to see you too."

I finally left her place in the evening. After eating and chatting with Carlos, I decided to sleep early to be fully rested for my work with the artist the next day.

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