Chapter sixteen

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Dedicated to My_life32 for the amazing trailer above.


The sound of my phone ringing woke me from my peaceful sleep. It seemed like the sickness made me sleep more, because my brain wasn't thinking of too many things and sleep came easily. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the phone before picking up.

"Good morning, Andrea. That you actually waited until after nine am to call shows great restraint."

Andrea snorted amusedly. "I have actually called four times before. First time was at seven but you didn't pick up. So, don't praise me too much."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "I guessed as much."

She laughed too before asking in a serious tone. "I tried not to worry since you sent a text but I hope nothing’s wrong?"

I lied as easily as usual, I guess practice makes perfect. I even shrugged although she wouldn't see me but it would help me sound casual. "No it was actually a beautiful day for me. I just wanted a day to myself to rest, since this is my vacation anyway."

She was home so I talked to my dad too.

I was so happy because I surprisingly felt as good as new in the morning. No feeling of illness at all, I just felt weird about seeing Caden. That he brought me to my room after I fell asleep in the middle of our conversation yesterday wasn't surprising but it pleased me. I didn't want to deal with more awkwardness and I also wanted to avoid discomforting him. I was also feeling bad for making him have to take care of me yesterday.

The footage I saw was still the only memory I had of that night. I still couldn't remember anything and me looking at my room wasn't helping either. It was almost like my memory of that night was completely erased.

The things I talked about yesterday with Caden were still fresh in my mind though. I remember crying and saying things I had never said out loud to anyone. I didn't really remember much of what I said or what he said after I started feeling sleepy though. But knowing Caden, he would want to ask but I hoped that he didn't because I would pretend like I couldn't remember the things I said.

I freshened up and went downstairs quietly because I was hungry but I also wanted to avoid Caden. Planning to quickly eat something and run back upstairs, I was trying to quickly sneak into the kitchen and out before anyone notices but I saw Dorothy on my way.

She looked at my face and her face showed surprise as she blurted out, "You look normal," and at my confused expression, she explained. "As opposed to what Carlos said. I actually felt bad for not being in yesterday. I am sure you would have been alone and had no one to take care of you. I heard that Mr Crawford was in though but I doubt he would have helped."

At my silence and blank look she laughed lightly. "Don't take it personal he is just not the type of person to play doctor but I am quite surprised to hear he stayed with you though."

Andrea in this case would have thought that this was a show of LOVE or AFFECTION on Caden's part but I was not that insane. A certain part of me that I would ignore thought this was supposed to mean something but it didn't to me.

I ignored her words and just asked, "Where is he?"

And found out that Caden had left for work early that morning to take care of urgent business. I felt more relaxed after hearing that and ate while chatting with Dorothy in the kitchen. Carlos went out on personal business so I cooked myself.

After I left Dorothy, I found my legs moving in the direction of the living room and that sofa again, making me laugh at myself. It was the long type but I always sat in one side of the sofa all the time.

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