Chapter nineteen

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Three months had passed since I launched my brand. Which was three months and three days since I'd been back from LA. I had been getting a lot of positive feedback and orders online so far.

I was very nervous at first as I already knew that I’d be, but I finally calmed down when I started getting used to people calling and ordering for my samples in different colors and sizes.

My first order came sixteen hours after I posted the samples online and I was very excited. The only things left to do for me was to find an assistant and for the shop to be ready.

I had been very busy and I loved it. The feeling of independence and strength that all these was bringing me was not something that I’d imagined but it was a welcome surprise.

I had some problems though, some people had complained about how I didn't have a shop yet or complained about not having a shipping service for other countries. Mia had helped to get people that would help me deliver to people in new york and places close-by but we hadn't gotten too far yet.

The complains were by one or two people so I wasn't worried about it as I knew that I just started my business and that I would get there someday.

I was pulled from my thoughts by the sound of my phone ringing. I smiled as soon as I saw Lucy’s name.

“Hey, Lucy.”

“Hey, designer,” I rolled my eyes as my smile got wider. “Congratulations on increase in your sales. Andrea was telling me that your sneakers will soon be a major trend as it is getting very popular with teenagers.”

“Don't congratulate me yet. Andrea probably made it sound like it would happen before the week runs out but it wouldn't be that soon. I am happy with how things are going though, it is better than I ever thought it would be.”

I knew the real reason for my happiness was that my new sense of purpose had helped me stop thinking about depressing things. Doing something that I loved was also helping me feel happier about life.

“I am glad that you are happy but I have had to reject offers for you as a model. I am still rejecting them even after all these months. Since that painting you sat for in LA was released you have become a legend.” I scoffed and shook my head at Andrea's influence in Lucy’s life.

At my scoff, Lucy laughed as she continued. “Maybe not a legend but the painting is really popular and not only in LA. It was offered to be put in a gallery in Paris and that is a very big deal."

I'd heard about that and more from Andrea. Lucca also made a big deal of it, he couldn't stop talking about the painting as he had attended the exhibition and had seen it with his own eyes. I knew that the praise shouldn't be for me though, it should all be given to the painter.

“Continue telling them no because I am not interested.” I said as I came back to the conversation at hand.

“I know that and I have tried my best to help you pass that across to those who have offered." She paused and bemusedly continued, "I don't even know how we started talking about this because that's not why I called. I am going out for lunch with Adam and Lucca and wanted to ask if you'd like to join us if you aren't too busy.”

“I would love that," I said without hesitation. "Is it at the restaurant across Lucca’s apartment?”

Lucy confirmed my guess and I took a cab to the restaurant. I found them as soon as I entered the restaurant, sitting at a table and in the middle of a conversation.

“Hey, people.” Lucca paused whatever he was saying and looked up at the sound of my voice. He stood up to hug me with a smile on his face. I hugged him back and admitted to myself that I had really missed him and all of them. I hadn't really been able to hang out with them since I started working.

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