Chapter eleven

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Thanks to @zoriamustang for the amazing cover. I absolutely love it!!!

"Please when Lucy wakes up, I need you to tell her that I've an urgent appointment this morning. I couldn't tell her about it yesterday and I'm sure she is tired, so I don't want to wake her up." I rushed through my words to, Felicity, a maid, on my way out as I was too late to take time to wake Lucy up first.

James wasn't in and I couldn't wait. So, I took a taxi to Mia's hotel. The receptionist told me the number of her suite after calling her to confirm if Mia wanted me to come up to her room.

I was just about to knock when Mia opened the door.

"There must be something wrong with you. Your ability to always arrive early never ceases to amaze me." Her words were delivered with mock irritation and a roll of her eyes.

I ignored her words with an amused smile, one that made her lips twitch in response. I kissed her on the cheek as I moved in. I knew Mia wasn't a morning person but she looked like she woke up early and got dressed for this meeting. Something I really appreciated and added to the million reasons I loved Mia.

Mia looked beautiful as always in a pink pencil skirt and black low-cut blouse. Her pale pink low heels made light clicking sounds as she moved away from me and towards the phone.

"I was about to have coffee delivered for the both of us because I need it but for you because I knew you would be nervous."

Her thoughtfulness wasn't surprising but was appreciated. However, I doubted my stomach would appreciate the coffee or be able to hold it or anything in with how nervous I was but I accepted the offer.


Mia's soft call made my eyes widen slightly as I fought not to jump at the sudden sound. I turned to see her smiling softly. "You can sit anytime now."

I chuckled softly and she joined in. I sat on the plush sofa in her hotel suite. Her very nice looking hotel suite but I was too anxious to really notice anything except that the sitting area was spacious and adorned with expensive looking furniture and little artifacts which was to be expected of a five-star hotel.

My mind was too preoccupied with thoughts about the meeting and I just hoped whatever Mia's planned wouldn't affect my plans. My worry was because I'd no idea what she wanted to discuss with me as we had stopped talking about me becoming a designer for some time.

I didn't want to offend her by rejecting her offer but I would have to, if I didn't agree with what she had to say.

There was a knock and I guessed it to be room service. Mia called out for the person to come in and she did the talking, mostly directing the serving of sugar and cream.

At the end of it all two steaming cups of coffee were prepared, I collected mine and after the server quietly left, I spoke.

"I don't think I would drink this till after we talk, I'm really nervous right now. I couldn't even eat before leaving where I'm staying." I told Mia, dropping the mug on the table.

Mia smiled and looked pointedly at my legs. "It's kind of obvious with the way your legs are shaking."

I looked at my legs and they actually were. I hadn't even noticed my legs bouncing continuously. Trying to calm down, I folded my hands in my lap and breathed in and out slowly.

Mia sighed in a way that showed she had a lot to get off her chest and that made me more scared of the conversation we were about to have.

"Erica, I respect you a lot because you are a great person. I know you are also not a hateful person by nature. You may not be overly nice or friendly but you are a good person in your own way."

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