Chapter fifty-three

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When I got back home from work, Andrea was in and since it was on her off day, it wasn't an odd thing to see but the look in her eyes was what I found odd. It was what terrified me — my best friend looked like she was on the brink of losing her mind, there was no warmth or feeling in her eyes, just fevered anxiety.

The expression on her face had been building steadily since I had come back from LA a week ago. She had been looking at me with fear, anxiety and caution, the same way I had been talking and looking at Caden when we facetimed.

I'd disregarded it because it wasn't like this and because…I'd been dealing with my own problems too.

The days I spent at Caden's mansion before coming back to New York were spent in fright. Since he told me he was close friends with Kyle and Xander, I'd not been able to unhear or unthink it. I’d never admit it but I knew my attitude towards him changed and though I tried to hide it, it showed.

Caden had told me one day while we facetimed that I'd have to tell him what's wrong when he came to see me in New York because he hated how I was forcing cheer into my tone and face when I spoke to him.

However, when I arrived and saw Andrea in the state she was in, I tried to ask her what was wrong but she shook her head at me and walked out of the house without a word. I'd thought about following her but the sound of her car driving out of the house told me I couldn't. At least not yet.

I was in my room lounging after eating dinner when Andrea bursted in. “We need to talk!”

Her fierce tone made my eyes narrow as I eyed her standing at the door of my room. She was finally back. I'd tried calling her since she left because she didn't come back soon but her phone rang from inside the house so I knew she didn't take it with her.

She looked serious as she stood with her hands on her hips and before I could blink, she pivoted and briskly walked out and in the direction of the living room.

Whatever she wanted to say will only be heard by me. We were the only ones in the house as my dad was at the care center for some complains he had and had to be there for a few days. I walked after her and got to the living room to see her pacing.

With a bland look in her direction, I sat on the sofa watching her pace. I watched this in silence for some minutes before I sighed heavily. “You wanted to talk to me.” I dryly reminded her.

She turned her gaze to me and opened her mouth then closed it, tried again and then with a groan sat on the sofa opposite me. Our eyes were locked and she seemed to be searching mine for something. She looked away and closed her eyes while I waited patiently.

“I knew Kevin when we were younger.” She said after she opened her eyes and locked them with mine.

I blinked at the unexpected news she just blurted but I didn't see anything real special in what she just said so that was all the reaction she got.

“As in we were childhood friends before I went to the orphanage.”

That surprised me and showed as a brow lifted unconsciously because I knew the Martin’s were the first and last family that adopted her two years after she stayed at the orphanage.

“Chloe Bennett is my cousin.”

My eyes widened and my jaw slackened as I took in Andrea's pale face as she said those words. There was no doubt it was true.

“Nina Bennett is my biological mother's sister.”

Betrayal speared my heart as I gazed incredulously at Andrea, remembering all the times she lied to me about not knowing her real parentage. I'd always wondered how a twelve year old wouldn't remember her real parents at all but I always ignored it because I trusted my friend.

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