Even More Stuff Happens

Start from the beginning

        That was when I panicked. Something came over me, erasing my actions from my memory.

        I was now pedaling hard on the bike, looking ahead at a dip in the land. Briefly, I glanced over my shoulder, past Mabel, at Robbie. He chased after us, yelling for the return of his property. After a couple of seconds, he began to slow down, panting heavily. He eventually stopped, black gloved hands on the knees of his navy blue skinny jeans. "I'll...get you!" he declared, still trying to catch his breath.

        "Woo! Stole a bike!" Eliza cheered, sounding unusually happy about the task. To my surprise, Mabel chimed in with her own excited "woo." I considered asking why this was so great, but I ended up keeping my mouth shut. Why bother?

        The bike came to a halt at the bottom of the hill, sending a small cloud of dust into the empty road ahead. We were at a four way intersection and with the trees standing so tall, there was no definite way of knowing which way was which.

        "Take a left," Eliza said, eyes closed, head tilted back. Her arms were crossed in front of her, her left foot impatiently bouncing over the basket. I rolled my eyes at her, knowing she couldn't see me if she tried, annoyed with her comment. "Is that not why you stopped? Take a dang left and keep going; this basket isn't very comfortable," she repeated harshly.

        A skidding of dirt and gravel sounded behind us. I looked back, discovering Robbie at the bottom of the hill. Anger still glazed over his eyes. "Give me back my--!" he began to shout. His words scrambled back into his mouth as it hung open in shock. A crunch was heard as he took a step back, pointing into the sky with a quivering hand. My eyes followed his finger. They then nearly burst from their sockets as they looked on above the trees ahead.

        A green beam of some kind of energy stood tall above the trees, above the clouds. The energy seemed to be at war with itself as it switched from a grass green to a blinding yellow to a burning fire blue. The colors changed again and again, never agreeing with each other. Bursts of dusty energy came from the sides of the beam, almost like the smoke from an old rifle. Each burst blew against the beam, obviously not relying on the wind to guide it, smothering a section in that color. The beam trembled when the color mixed and changed and burst onto it.

        The sky around the beam turned a darker black than the sky. All the stars that peeked from the once royal blue sky vanished, eaten by the darkness. Soon, the entire sky was black and the air grew bitter. I felt the bike begin to shake as Eliza shivered from the cold. To be honest, I too was cold. I, however, restrained each muscle and nerve in my body, holding the involuntary quaking back.

        "W-what the heck is that?!" Robbie stuttered from behind.

        "I don't know. Kind'a looks like a pony to me," Eliza sighed sarcastically. "Why'd it get so cold?" she then asked, opening her blue, blinded eyes. Her skinny arms pulled into her (what used to be my) orange shirt, most likely hugging herself to stay warm.

        "A-are you blind?! How did you not freaking see that?!" Robbie spat, panic caught in his throat.

        "A-are you stupid?! How did you freaking pass kindergarten?!" Eliza said in a deep generic boy voice, mocking him.

        "I just--! UGH! Give me back my bike so I can leave this crazy town!" Robbie stomped towards us with every intention of getting his stupid mountain bike back.

        "Go towards it!" Eliza suddenly commanded.

        "Towards what?" I asked as I began peddling again. A vicious force struck the back of my head. Mabel had smacked me like I was an idiot. What was I not getting?

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