Chapter 21- The return

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I looked at the dress that was lied out for me. It was a short black lace dress. Next to it equally lacy lingerie. This was obviously Vincent's idea. I dressed obediently because I knew that Vincent was not one to be messed with.

After getting dressed I headed towards the dining room, I almost got lost because this place was huge. Vincent was already sat at the table. His expression changed when he saw me and immediately he stood up, pulling out the chair for me. I sat and he shifted the seat in for me. Chivalry ain't dead ladies.

"You look beautiful." He starred at me. I just smiled in response.

"I invited a guest over." I gave him a confused look. He nodded his head towards the door. My heart swelled when I saw who entered. Anne and Jason cautiously walked inside. I immediately stood up and pulled Anne into a tight embrace. It was so good to see her. My wolf jumped at the familiar scent of my mate. It was the first time my wolf gave reaction, all this because family came to visit.

"Please sit down." Vincent called.

Anne and Jason took their seats and looked around.

"A vampires castle looks a hell lot better than the pack house." Jason stated.

"I have a century advantage to create the house." Vincent stated. That made me wonder how old Vincent really is. I know werewolves can age up to 200 and still look between 20 and 50 but vampire they can live up to a thousand years, maybe even more. I don't know much of vampires.

"How have you been Anne?"

"Fine dear." She smiled "The school is quiet without you, even John misses you." We laughed.

"I miss it too. My life was so normal back than." My heart felt sad. I really wanted that life back. Even without your mate? I could never go back to normal. Vincent sensed my sadness and grabbed my hand to comfort me. Anne frowned eyes fixates on our hands.

After dinner the boys left, something about ancient armor and king Arthur and I don't know. Anne looked deep in thought. I lead her to the fireplace, both of us with wine glasses in our hands. Mine was nearly finished, while Anne's looked like she hardly touched hers.

"Geez I missed wine." I said downing the last of my glass.

"Where is the little one?" Anne seemed to snap out of her daze.

"He is asleep." I smiled.

"Lea, do you trust him?"

"Trust who?"


"I don't know. Maybe?"

"I wouldn't if I was you." Her expression was hard.


"I heard rumors."

"What type of rumors?"

"Bad ones."


"Apparently Vincent was creating hybrids from rouges, he somehow manages to mix his blood and theirs. If this is true. Lea your son is one of the strongest werewolves to exists. If he created the hybrid and raise that boy as his own son, imagine the power he will have. And with Vincent power is everything."

Anger rose within me. I am so going to kill him later.

"Trust me Anne, I won't allow that." I gritted through my teeth.

"Just be careful Lea, that's all I am asking. I don't want anything to happen to my brothers son."

"And nothing will."

Vincent and Jason came in laughing and chatting as if they were the best of pals. I gave Vincent a cold stare and he gave me a later look.

We said our goodbyes and I bolted straight to Vincents room.

"Whats going love?" Vincent joined me, starting to undress. I was about to answer but his abs got my attention. I drew my eyes away and looked him straight in his eyes.

"You want to use my son as a hybrid freak to gain power." I bluntly stated. He looked at me shocked.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh please I know of you whole hybrid army thing."

"They are volunteers and there was no success as if yet." He stated already bored.

"And if you succeed?"

"I will not use a infant! What kind of monster do you think I am." I frowned. He walked over to me trying to calm himself.

"Look, I have a plan with your son yes, but turning him into some hybrid isn't included okay?" Before I could answer his lips crashed into mine. I was took back by the moment. His hand guided itself towards my butt, squeezing it lightly. I gasped. He too the opportunity to enter my mouth. I couldn't help it. I just wanted to feel normal again, so I kissed him back.

I woke up with a scent filling my nose. Mate! It can't be. I looked over at Vincent, he was sound asleep. I quietly got up and got up following the scent. I headed into the nearby forest. When I reached my destination I saw a man stand next to an much older guy and woman. Mate!

That can't be Nathan! He doesn't look anything like him. I mean Nathan looks can't remember. The hex! It worked, well almost.

"Lea?" The man spoke. Butterflies rose in my stomach.

"Nathan?" I said with a nod. He smiled and headed over to me , but stopped directly in front of me, unsure of what to do. I pulled him into a hug, taking in his scent. Something felt slightly off. I pulled away.

"Whose this?" I pointed to the other two.

"Uh this is John and that Isabella, he used to be my fathers shaman." Guild crept in my body knowing I read that man's journal.

"Luna." They nodded.

" no longer Luna." I nervously rubbed my arm.

"What?" Nathan asked looking slightly angry.

"I'll explain it later lets go inside please?"

"Inside to Vincent house?" Nathan frowned. I suddenly remembered my night with Vincent and my promise to me his queen. Shit!

"Like I said I will explain now let's....."

"Lea?" I spun around to see Vincent behind us. Double shit.

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