Chapter 3 -You are mine

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The rest of the week went by fast and Friday finally came. I was very excited to have dinner at Anne's place. The more I got to know her, the more I got interested in her life. She had it rough, she explained. They all did. Her eldest brother the most because he had to take over the family business. Her eldest sister tried to make contact with them after her fathers death but her lover wouldn't have it. The feud was to strong.

After I got out the shower I decided to wear a black wrap dress with a bit of heels. I liked dressing up, even if its just for dinner. I grabbed the cheap bottle of wine I got earlier and headed to the address Anne gave me.

When I arrived I was greeted by a male with brown buzzed cut hair and greenish eyes.

"Jason Anderson" he nodded.

"Lea Jackson." I nodded back.

"Lea, you found it!" Anne came to hug me. "I was worried, it is so far out town."

"Thank you GPS." I laughed.

"Sit down, your timing is perfect dinner is ready!"

I took my seat and Anne immediately started a conversations about teens and their obsessions.

"I mean remember the whole twilight thing going around!" She threw her hands up.

"I never really watched or read twilight." I felt slightly embarrassed.

"Really? First woman ever." Jason laughed.

"Yeah, I never really liked the idea of vampires and werewolves."

"Why not?" Anne frowned.

"Because it's kind of silly. I mean a person turning into a wolf or a bat."

"Well vampires don't really..." Jason was stopped by a cold stare from Anne.

"Well I thinks it's romantic." Anne said.

"How can dating a dog be romantic." That sounded a lot more harsh then I wanted it to. Jason burst out laughing.

"She's got a point babe." He winked at her. Anne growled at him.

"Well a werewolf gets a mate picked for them by the moon goddess. And with that that mate stays forever. And no one can feel exactly like the bond that a wolf has with his mate. Or so I read."

"Sounds cheesy!" I rolled my eyes. "I mean no one can forever love someone it's just impossible."

Anne muttered something under her breath but I couldn't quite make it out.

"So when are you two having kids?" I tried to change the subject. The room fell silent. Jason's face saddened while Anne looked down.

"I..I can't have kids." Anne said sadly. My heart broke.

"I am so sorry Anne."

"We learned to accept it." Jason mentioned. And the room went silent again. What a idiot! I was mentally slapping myself in the face.

That feeling in my stomach rose again. There was a knock on the door. Anne went to open it.

"We have a problem!" Nathan burst in. His face immediately shot to where I was sitting and a smile was forming on his marvellous lips.

"Hi" I almost whispered.

"Hi beautiful." He winked and after a few seconds of staring turned his attention back to Anne. "Can we talk privately?"

"Yeah in the study."

"I'll be joining" Jason got up.

"No! You got a guest, this is family matters" Nathan growled.

After they left I saw my chance.

"Whats the deal with you and Nathan?" I asked bluntly.

Jason sighed.

"When we were in high school we both liked a girl, Mia, I got her and that made Nathan hate me. What made it worse was the fact that I broke her heart when I met Anne. Anne was my one true soulmate. I guess he never really got over it."

I don't know why but I felt extremely jealous and mad right now. Just then Anne and Nathan returned. Anne not looking very impressed.

"So are you going to invite me to join or what?" Nathan asked smugly making eye contact with me. Before anybody got a chance to answer he sat down next to me. A lot closer than I would have liked. Shivers went down my spine as our thighs touched. He bluntly put his arm at the back of my chair and started talking. I couldn't figure out about what because I was too busy focusing on our thighs.

"Wouldn't you say Lea?" Anne asked. My head shot back upwards.

"W..what?" This earned a smirk from Nathan.

"Don't be so shy beautiful." He whispered in my ear. I could feel his breath on my neck. Oh what he could do to me with those lips.

"Lea!" Anne tried again.

"Sorry?" I couldn't stop my face from turning red.

"I said it was time to pour us some of that wine you brought."

"Oh yeah."

Anne had almost a knowing smile on her face, while Nathan seemed to be completely amused by these events. Jason on the other hand was staring like a lovesick puppy at Anne.

After dinner and wine I wanted to go home. Being around Nathan made me nervous. I said my goodbyes and to my complete irritation Nathan insisted on walking me to my car.

"You look beautiful, beautiful." He smiled checking me out.

"Thanks" I mumbled.

"Don't ever wear that dress again." He said firm.



"I don't want other guys checking you out." His voice made it sound obvious.

"And why should I care what you want." I was pissed off now.

He took a few steps closer. I tried to move back but the car was blocking my way. He lend in until I could feel his warm breath tickling my neck. My legs wanted to give out under me. I didn't even notice was holding my breath.

"Because you're mine." He softly but seductively whispered in my ear.

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