Chapter 18 - The maze

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Nathans POV:

For three days I was running around in the middle of nowhere. I have never seen this place in my life. It seems like I have been running in circles the whole time. The last thing I remembered was seeing Lucius on the battle field. I was on my way to rip that son of a bitch to pieces, when everything around me went black suddenly.

And now for the first time in the days I see my capturer. Mia. She stood in front of me in a pure white silk dress. The wind was blowing heavy. They called this the witches wind. I have heard of it before.

"Why Mia?"

"You and I were meant to be together, don't you see that Nathan?"

"I love her and you know it."

"You love me! And after my hex has completed you will see that."

"Your hex?"

"You know nothing about me Nathan. Did you really think I left because of the war. Our marriage would have protected my family! No I left because my daddy Alpha found out he wasn't my daddy. I was a bastard. My real daddy was a powerful warlock. How do you think I managed to get the witches on my side."

"And Lucius?"

"Lucius was a pawn in my game. He played exactly like I wanted him too. Fools mind. Thought he can convince my witches to join him by giving them power."

"What are you going to do to me?"

"I am keeping you here. At least until the hex is completed. Then I will make you see how much you love me." She stepped forward towards me. I wanted to grab her but she was gone in a instant.

"Not even dating yet and you are already getting touchy." A voice said behind me. I turned to see Mia behind me.

"I will never forget her!"

"Oh but you will." And with that she was gone.

Months have passed. My physical body was getting treated very well. I noticed that every time they do something to my body in real life it appears on this projection. My beard gets shaved regularly. I am bathed and all the other necessaries.

I was lying in the hut I had build myself. I was still walking in circles and still haven't found a way out.

"Nathan" I heard almost a whisper of a male voice. I sat up.

"Nathan!" It was there again but I still couldn't see anything. I walked out of the hut. I saw a glowing white circle in middle of the field.

"Go inside it."

"Who are you?"

"Go inside quickly. We don't have a lot of time before the witch wolf returns."

I had no choice, I had to trust the voice. I walked towards the white circle and everything went white in front of me.

Suddenly I was in a room. It was a prison like room. In the room with me was a old man and a woman. The woman was a fae you could clearly see that. The man looked familiar but I couldn't but my finger on it.

"You finally awoke Nathan." The man spoke.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"You clearly don't remember me." He sighed. "I was your fathers shaman. I left to find my love..." He looked at the woman. "And shortly after I found her, we ran into the wolf witch. She seemed nice at first, wanted our protection but sadly after we learned of her plan with you, well we ended up here.

We spent months trying to revive you, but the witches power was too strong. She seemed to be out for a little while so we took our chance."

"Where am I?"

"A prison inside one of her compounds. We move every week to a new one. With you awake we have a good chance of escaping."

"How many months has it been?"

"Plenty. We met a merchant along the way, he sang praises of the new Alpha that was born. I imagine that is your son."

"Do you know his name?"

"Aden." The woman finally spoke.

I smiled. She remembered.

"And Lea?"

"She left the pack." The man sighed. "Was forced out by your beta and the council."

"Where is she now?"

"Nobody knows."

I felt anger boil inside me. I was going to kill Mia by ripping her to pieces and then I was going to deal with Alec.

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