Chapter 26

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 “So……..don’t you want to know what happened last night?” Jane squealed in excitement.

You bet. I don’t want to hear this. I nodded half heartedly.

“Okay. But don’t expect me to spill the dirty details.” Jane winked.

That would be the last thing I’d want to hear.

“So we spent the day talking about our relationship and our future. He took me out to an early dinner. We had a couple of shots."

"Wait, did you drink last night? Jane you know alcohol isn't good when you're pregnant. How could you be so ridiculous? You need to start behaving like a mom. We're seeing the doctor first thing when we get home." I couldn't believe how casually she was taking this whole pregnancy thing.

Jane appeared to be unaffected by my scolding. She was lost in her own thoughts and continued nevertheless.

"Then I swear I was headed to see you. But as we got into the car, he came upon me. He started kissing me so hard. One moment we were sitting beside each other. The next moment we found ourselves naked in the backseat. We made wild love. I think we even broke one of the rear mirrors. It wasn’t one of the most conventional make out I ever had but it was the most beautiful. I still haven’t found my bra yet.”

She was talking on and on. I wished Tyler and Harry joined us back. No matter how happy I was for Jane, I couldn’t put up with this.  I tried to smile bleakly.

“And you won’t believe what happened next……..He asked me to marry him!”

“Congratulations! This is perfect. I’m so happy for you, Jane.” I hugged her.

“Here you go”, Harry spoke and handed us out our drinks.

Tyler’s phone rang. As he answered it, his expression changed from happy to worry. Jane gave him a little peck and asked him, “What happened, love?”

“It’s from the asylum. We need to go immediately. I’m so sorry Katy. It’s really urgent. We would definitely do this some other day.” He rose up hurriedly, accompanied by Jane.

“It’s fine. Go on.”

I looked at Harry. “Do you know what just happened?”

“It’s Lana. Tyler’s sister. She’s admitted in an asylum for the past one year.”

“What happened to her?”

“I don’t know. She was so perfect. Then one day she started having these attacks. She used to cut herself. She just lost the will to live. Tyler had to admit her for her own betterment.”

The phone rang. Harry picked it up.

“I’m sorry. Mr. Davidson is out for a personal matter. I’ll let you know when he can meet you.”

Wait a minute. Davidson? Suddenly the letter I found in Jake’s cupboard the other day flashed in front of my eyes.

L. Davidson? Could it be Lana Davidson? 

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