Chapter 8

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 “Why are you helping me?” I asked her, while she sipped some champagne in the limo.

“Social service. And I can’t see my brother in pain. He really loves you apparently. He went too high on alcohol yesterday. I haven’t told him yet about all this. I want to give him a surprise. And then you both can have your sappy little love story.” She flinched at the thought.

“But there’s more to it, isn’t it?”

She hesitated, but finally blurted out. “Okay. So the b*tch Stacy and I were in the same class in high school. She was clearly insecure of me. Back then, I was dating this guy Tyler. She had her eyes set on him too. So she did the same cheap act with me. Morphed some photos of me with some random dude, showed it to Tyler. Naturally it was a breakup, I was heart-broken, left the city, and went to NY. Came back yesterday to find out Jake was dating the b*tch.” She paused. “You know I wasn’t lucky enough to have someone tell me to fight for my love, but you’re lucky as hell. You have me.”

“Aww” I hugged her. Even though she was all cold and rude, you couldn’t help but love her. Beneath the fashionista, I could see a bit of me in her.

“Okay, enough with the cuddles, you’re ruining my dress.” She laughed.

“By the way, don’t worry. You won’t have to face the embarrassment of meeting Alex. When he got sober this morning, he pretty much admitted his fault but said he couldn’t face you, so he left for NY. Jake knows everything now so it’d be a cake walk to talk this out. And we’ll take care of Stacy later. Alex left you a note, here” She handed me a piece of paper.

There, in handwriting too perfect, it read. Some of the words were unclear due to his tears dripped on the note.

Kate, I’m so sorry for whatever happened yesterday. Love can’t justify what I did to you. You belong with Jake. I’ll try and forget all this. Hope you’d forgive me.



A tear slipped down my cheeks. Alex had become a pretty close friend. And having him leave his life here because of me sucked.

“I still can’t figure out what my brothers see in you” Jane muttered.

“Shut up.” Jane had the innate power to bring me out of my depression and distract me. I love that about her.

We finally reached the Parker mansion. Obviously, we weren’t stopped by the watchman or Mary this time. Through the doors, and straight up the stairs, into the room. Jake was sitting by the window, in a disheveled condition like mine yesterday, beer bottles beside him, guitar in his hand, singing a depressing tune. The lights were switched off and everything was dark, except the faint light coming from the window.

“He thinks he’d never be able to face you again and doesn’t deserve your love” Jane whispered, giggling. “Look stupid brother, who’s here.” Jake looked up uninterestedly. “You know Jane, I don’t really have time for this. Get out.”

“As you wish, brother. Come Kate, let go to my room.”

“Kate…..” He choked. He got off the window sill, trying to see through the darkness. “Is it really you? Oh I’m so sorry for what happened yesterday. Are you ok?” He came forward and hugged me, nearly crying. I hugged him, but deep in my heart, I didn’t feel ready for a relationship with Jake or anyone. Not after all that had happened. Moreover, I felt I wasn’t good enough for Jake. Sadness was all I’d ever given him.

He bent in to kiss me but I resisted. Jane was pretty shocked.

“I’m sorry Jake, but I don’t think its right. We’re not ready for this love. Look what it did to everyone. And frankly, I can’t feel the same way for you now. You didn’t trust me or your own brother back then. I can’t feel secure with you now. Trust me, it’s got nothing to do with you. I just need to give myself a bit time.”

“But I’m really, really sorry love. The night was crazy. It’d never happen again. Give me another chance, please?”

I kept silent. How hard I wanted, I couldn’t get myself to say yes.

“Don’t pressurize her,” Jane came to my rescue. “She’s right. Should have shown better trust in your partner, Jake. Give her some time.” Jane was the perfect best friend every girl deserved to have. She understood me so well, partly because she was in the same situation few years ago. She was my own personal, modern, hot version of “the fairy godmother”.

“Actually we don’t have time. Mom called while we were driving. She wants me back home. And school’s opening too after Christmas. I’ve got nowhere to live here after whatever happened with Stacy.”

“You can’t leave! You can stay here, at our home. I can totally fix you up with the room next to mine. Then you and Jake can get some time to sort things out.” Jane insisted.

“Be real Jane, I would so love to share home with you. But I can’t stay here.”

“Okay, fine. We’ll get you in a school here, you can pay your tuition fees and you can work part time in our company. That way you’d be more of a paying guest here. And promise you’ll not be forced to be with Jake or anything. Do what you like. But please don’t leave, pretty please? You can stay as my guest.”

It is impossible to deny Jane when she bats her cute eyelashes. And I knew if I went back, Stacy would make my life a living hell by fueling mom against me. And I couldn’t leave Jake like that.

“Okay. We’ll have a fresh start, as friends.” I said, signaling to Jake.

Jake managed to smile, though he didn’t look much pleased by the idea. He obviously felt guilty. No matter how much I convinced, he felt it was his fault for ruining our relationship.

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