Abused and broken.

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{ This is a collab with @once_upon_a_Demetria }

{ Written by Once_upon_a_Demetria }

~ Y/n POV ~

I watched as the brights lights shined, and the crowds cheered. I felt so ungrateful for this amazing experience that i've waited for my entire life. I'm not enjoying it because I am next to the boy who took something special from me; my foster brother Liam. I watched him closely as loads of fans started to cry, but I was frozen. I felt like the fear was so evident like everyone was staring at me. I was one of the closet people on the stage and I wanted to just leap on there and tell her how much she helped me. How much the amazing Demi Lovato has rescued helped me.

Moments later they announced her, everything was happening so fast, as she sang she sang her first song the angelic voice was drowneded in small flashbacks, while Liam held me tightly putting his hands right down my pants. I winced as he grabbed me, I elbowed him trying so hard to control the agonizing touch, and enjoy the music but it was no use. A small scream escaped my lips as a few people turned to me. But of course looked back at Demi.

Demi shared a glance at me I could swear. But I just made myself feel crazy. I don't cry much anymore, I've become used to the pain that fills my body. My fingers gingerly stroke the scars on my legs, some of them self inflicted... Some not. Closing my eyes, I try to picture Demi's face again. She was smiling so much, kindness seeping out of every orifice. I'm not used to seeing people with life left in their eyes, everyone around me seems to be so dead. Or at least wishing they were.

I watched her preform 'for the love of a daughter' as tears feel down my face. My father used to play sick little games with me but only every week so it'd me 'special' but It never was. I remember everything so clearly. Dark as midnight, as I watched blue and red lights take him away as both my parents drank. It's like I never got a good look at them without hiding. I knew my mother was beautiful she was just so abused by my father she drank her life away.

I'v always been afraid of loving someone because I didn't wanna love them so much I end up hurting them. I hate saying 'hello' because I KNOW I'm going to have to say 'goodbye' and it breaks me a little more inside. I admit to myself I have him inside, my father's DNA. I'm terrified that pieces of him are in the pieces of me, I don't want anyone to look at me with evident fear as I looked at him.

I've been in the foster system most of my life and I then realized all I am is a lost girl who doesn't matter, and never will. A lost little girl who cries herself to sleep because she can't understand why her mother never came for her, and why everyone left. But now it's too late.

My thoughts here busted as I gasped, "No please not here," I whisper as he put his hands up my shirt. I tried to walk away but it's like my legs were numb, they weren't obeying my command, they were to afraid. I tried to scream but I'v screamed too much for help and no one did. I grabbed her tightly near my area as I broke into a fit of screams trying my hardest not to draw attention but I couldn't not react.

The song stopped as tried to contain my tears. I never thought this was possible. She called me straight up stage with the microphone.

{ Written by DemiLovatoImagines_ }

~ Demi Lovato POV ~

I was finishing up my second last song when I looked into the crowed and saw a girl. A little girl around 11 years old. She looked scared. Hopeless. Broken. I thought I heard her yell for help. So I looked around her while still singing. I saw this guy touching her. I couldn't see much, but by the looks of it it wasn't in a nice way. I finished up my song and the crowed cheered. "This last song I for all the Haters out there. You there, beautiful girl. Yes you sweetie. Come up this stage with me." I said to the little girl. The guy tried to stop her. "Bodyguard, would you help that little girl on stage with me please." I said. He did and she got lifted up and put on stage. She froze. In the light i saw that she had a lot of bruises. Fuck. "What is your name sweetheart?" I ask her. "Y/n." She mumbled. "Y/n what a beautiful name." I said and gave her a hug. Her face cheered up a little. 

"Come on beautiful, sing with me." I said and started to sing sorry not sorry. She sang with me and forgot everything for a second. I saw the guy who touched her yelling and pushing in the air. I signed with my head to the bodyguards to remove him from the concert. and they did.

When I was done with the concert I said goodbye and took Y/n backstage and gave her a little tour. She watched her eyes out. She was smiling and that made me happy. She looked familiar, but I don't know from where. We ended up in my dressing room. I dressed up in some fabletics to feel comfy and took her on my lap.

"I want to talk to you about something." I said. She nodded and looked down at her swinging feet. "How come that you have so many bruises en scratches sweetheart?" I asked her. Her eyes teared up. "M-My brother a-and m-my dad." She said. "Did they do this to you sweetheart?" she nodded and started crying. "Oh hunny come here." I said and hold her tight against me. She seemed so grown up on the inside, because she has been through so much. But, deep down she is still a little baby girl. wanting to crawl up against you and just snuggle and watch tv.

I rocked her back and forth to calm her down. " Hey, Where is your mom? maybe I can call her?" I asked. She got scared and nodded no. "No! I was adopted and everybody at home is drinking and hurting me and touching me and I'm stuck there! I don't want to go back!" She said while tears rolled down her face. "Okay, okay sweetheart. We will figure something out." I said and thought about my past. 

I was 15 years old. Raped by my dad. Turns out I got pregnant. From my dad. I swore I would giver her up for adoption the minute she was born. I thought she would turn out as a un developed baby, because it was my dads but, she turned out to be beautiful. I got to hold her ones and to look at her beautiful brown eyes. before she got taken away.

Wait a second.

"Y/n?" I said. She nodded. "Yes Demi." "Do you still remember your real mother?" She shook her head no. I Looked into her eyes and saw the same little baby girl. "I-I think." I said while a tear rolled down my cheek. " I think I am your real mother." Y/n looked up at me and tears rolled down her cheek too. "Really?" She mumbled. I nodded. I felt so guilty. I felt so bad. I needed to make it up. I want het to have a great life not this! I Hold her tight and kissed her head. "Don't worry love. I am going to make it better." I said. She sniffed her tears away. "H-How?" She said. "I'm going to adopt you back."

{ Special thanks too 

I hope you all like these collabs! Please Vote in the comments what you want to see next! Love you all! <3

- Sweet Demi

- Sexy Demi

- Badass Demi

- Mean Demi

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