The Aftermath of the Hero Killer: Stain

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Shouto P.O.V

"I told her everything she needed, and wanted, to know. She's well informed on everyone, including the situation at hand," I explained to Iida and Midoriya.

"How long did the doctor say she'll have Amnesia?" Midoriya asked.

"He said that her blood is already working on healing her brain, but with all of her injuries, it might take months before she recovers all her memories."

"And. . .My sister?" Iida asked.

"Juno is in a coma. The doctor said she was lucky that her brain didn't shut down on her yet. He says they don't have a clear answer on when she might wake up," He gritted his teeth.

"Todoroki? How is this on you?" Midoriya referred to Miwa, the girl I deeply care for, and how she has no memory of me.

"Hard. She says that she wants as much help as she can get, and wants to try seeing if. . .If she. . ." My voice trembled.

"You don't have to-"

"If she still loves me. . .She has no feelings for me, but wants to try and find something between us," Midoriya drew in a sharp breath and Iida stared at me with wide eyes. Both of them having no idea how much pain in going through mentally.

I'm not blaming her, I have no right to.

But when I looked into her eyes, I saw confusion.

She doesn't even know what to feel.

Katsuki P.O.V

I watched as her chest heaved up and down, her face so peaceful, her body as cold as ice.

"I saw you leave out the window, but I didn't think it was any of my damn business to know what you were doing. I should've followed you! It's my goddamn fault! Damnit, damnit, damnit!" My fist repeatedly hit the wall while my crimson eyes looked at her.

The entire day, all I did was make her blush and throw insults at her, but she just smiled it off like it was nothing, unlike Miwa, who would fight back.



"Are you her boyfriend?" Looking up at her, Miwa was in a wheelchair and at the door.

Saying nothing, I scrambled over to her and on my knees, I hugged her and she froze, not knowing what to do. . .Now knowing me.

"U-Um, hi?"

"Are your legs broken?" I whispered, not pulling away.

"N-No, but the doctor says I shouldn't be walking around. Who are you?" Pulling away, I looked at her. Her red frames sat on her nose while her head slightly tilted in confusion.

"Bakugou Katsuki, but you call me Bakatsuki, or Bakuhoe," She snorted at this and started laughing.

"I-I call you that?! Hahaha! Oh my God!" She laughed with small snorts in between, her smile not making me blush like before.

Looks like I'm finally over her.

"Okay then. . .Bakatsuki, what else do you know about me?" She asked, going back out into the halls as I walked beside her.

"You're freaking stubborn, that's for sure. You like making others happy, you'll flirt with me, Izuku, or Todoroki, your boyfriend-well, only him now, I guess. An-"

"How long have Todoroki and I been together?" Noticing she wasn't using his first name, I would say something about it, but it's none of my business, so I'll just leave it alone.

"Literally two days. . .But he does care so much about you, more then I do," Her head perked up, waiting for me to say something else.

". . .Two days? He acted like I was his wife and we've been married for five years! Not that it's a problem, it's just that. . .I don't know, it's hard to find a guy like that," She admitted, stopping.

"Aren't you in some kinda internship? Are you allowed to be here?"


". . ."

"I'll take that as a 'no', Bakatsuki," She smirked and I growled under my breath.

You better take care of her, you icy-hot bastard.

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