Encounter With The Unknown

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Miwa P.O.V

"You won't lay a finger on her!"

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"You won't lay a finger on her!"

Dad lashed out, cancelling their Quirks left and right!

"Oh poor girl, she doesn't know the truth about her father!" He laughed, looking in my direction despite the hand covering his face.



No! He's a villain, Miwa! Don't listen to him!

"This is no time for analyzing! Let's go!" Iida called to Izuku and I, snapping us from our thoughts and we ran to catch up with the others.

"There is no escaping from me."

A black and dark purple essence stood infront of the doorway, blocking us from leaving and we skidded to a stop.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains, and I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice. And besides, isn't this a nice place for All Might, the Symbol of Peace, to take his last breath?

They think they can kill All Might?

No way! He's the number one hero! There's no way he'd be killed!

"I believe he was supposed to be here today, and yet I see no sign of him. There must have been some change in plans we could not have foreseen. Ah, well in the end it doesn't matter-"


Kirishima and Bakatsuki jumped at the villain and attacked him!

"You didn't think we were just going to let you do that, were you?" Kirishima smirked, but once the smoke started to clear up, I saw that he wasn't harmed at all!

"You should be more careful children. I'll scatter you across this facility to meet your deaths!"

"Move out of the way!" Thirteen shouted, activating her Black hole Quirk.

Smoke-villain surrounded us and I fell back at the harsh push of his power as it flowed around us.

"Miwa! Miwa, where are you?!"


"Sh-Shouto!" The thickness of the smoke caused me to not see past my hand if I held it out infront of me and my glasses had fallen off!

Bumping into someone, I peered up and recognized spiky blonde hair.

Then, something started to make my whole body float and I felt like I was being sucked into something!

"Miwa, hold on!" Katsuki grabbed ahold on my hand.



Darkness covered every inch, no matter where I looked, and that question echoed throughout my mind.

"Oh poor girl, she doesn't know the truth about her father!"

The truth about my father?

Dad is Aizawa Shouta, Eraserhead, the Eraser hero.

What does he mean 'the truth'?

Is it about my mom. . .?

I felt hands clasp around my throat and slowly start squeezing. Gasping out for air, desperately trying to claw them off of me, but the hands won't budge!

Is this really how it all ends?!

Is this how I'm going to die?!

"She's beautiful. . ."

Hearing a voice that sounded so familiar, and yet I couldn't recognize it made something inside of me say no.

No to this is NOT how my life ends! This is NOT all I'll be known for! That I will NOT die today!

Grabbing at the hands that dare to take my life, I gripped onto them with great strength and grunted as I forced them off of me, no matter how much they tried to resist.

I suddenly felt the presence of eight people, but couldn't look around as I was still struggling to somehow get rid of the hands that were set on killing me.

Wh-what is that?

What's going on?!

Seeing a yellow glow eminating from my palms, the hands reacted badly to the light and hissed before vanishing back into the darkness.

What did I just do?

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