Chapter 1

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Ayano ran to the train station, heading to school when she encountered a crowd.

"Stand back, it's dangerous." A man making a wall of water exclaimed, holding back the chattering crowd.

Looking up, Ayano saw a giant man with a shark-like head terrorizing the light rail. 'Great, this is all I need this morning.' Ayano thought with a sigh, shoving her hands in her hoodie pockets. Overhearing some people she figured that he was just a petty thief that stole someone's bag on the subway and wasn't able to get away.

Suddenly there was loud squealing, and Ayano looked up to see the giant man swatting at someone, most likely a pro hero. Watching as he extended a woody arm towards one of the metal structures and Ayano placed who it was. Kamui Woods. A new hero who was rising the ranks quickly.

"Assult, battery, and illegal use of powers during rush hour traffic. You are the incarnation of evil."

Even though Ayano was in the middle of the excited chattering crowd, she heard him easily, sighing, she shook her head, she might be late this morning. The fight kept on going on, and all that was going through Ayano's head was if she had finished all her homework.

"Canyon Cannon!" A new voice exclaimed, breaking Ayano out of her thoughts and watched as a giant woman kicked the villain off the tracks. Looking around, Ayano saw that everyone had been shocked silent. Once she landed, Ayano was suddenly pushed to the side by a photographer.

Of course. A hot new hero in a skin tight suit, bound to get people money. Ayano thought with a sigh. At least the fight was over so she could start heading to the school.

"Piece of cake for the world's next hottest hero. Hi there everyone, I'm Mount Lady. And you don't have to worry about this bum anymore." She said with a wink, posing in a provocative way.

Again camera's sounded again and Ayano sighed at how pathetic some of the men were. Soon, the crowd was cheering for the new hero, and Kamui Woods was frozen solid, seeming to be shocked and confused. She just rolled her eyes and started to walk again, heading to school. On her way, she noticed a familiar boy with unruly green hair muttering to himself as he wrote in the journal.

After he finished talking with a pointy headed man, she walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder, making sure the fabric of her hoodie was between her hand and his shoulder. "Hey, Midoriya, right?" She asked.

The boy looked over at her, "U-Um, yeah." He said, cowardly at first, then his eyes widened as he recognized her.

"Hyida!" He exclaimed.

"We should head over to school. Don't want to be late now, do we?" She asked.

He shook his head, and the two headed off to school.

When they got there, they sat in their respective desks, Midoriya near the back and Ayano in the back corner, furthest from the teacher and the Windows.

"So, as third year students it's time to start thinking seriously about your future and about what you want to do with your lives. I could pass out some career aptitude tests, but why bother?" He threw the papers he had on his podium in the air. "I know you all want to go the hero track!" He exclaimed.

Ayano scoffed, sitting calmly in her desk as the other students cheered around her, freely using their quirks, despite them not being allowed to use them in school.

"Yes yes." The teacher said over the cheers. "You've all got some very impressive quirks, but no power usage is allowed in school, get a hold of yourselves."

"Hey teach." An annoyed and bored voice called out, getting everyone else silent.

"Don't lug me in with this bunch of losers." A spiky sandy haired boy with an attitude said. "I'm the real deal. But these guys will be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted D-lister." He let out a laugh

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