14. Beautiful Moments Get Lost

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I tossed the blanket and saddle onto Zara's back. It was a fight to get the bridle on but after I asked her to do it for Declan she stopped the fighting. I climbed on her and told her to find my brother. She roared and took off, the other dragons following us.

In the distance was a line of smoke coming out of the trees. I ordered Zara to go faster and she did. We were landed in the spot I told her to go before I could blink. Nox came shortly after.

There was a fire burning in the clearing near a tent. There was movement in the area. I hid Nox and Zara in the trees. A little girl popped out of the tent, her hair was in two braids and she was dressed in a small fur dress. She carried a large jug on her head and she walked happily to the river beside her tent. A dog trotted beside her until he caught our sent. He stalked the bush I was hiding behind, growling.

"What is it boi?" The girl asked. "Who's there? Please come out." I slowly moved around the bush. The dog barked at me. "Boi. It's okay." She then turned her attention to me. "What is you name? I'm Deinde."

"I'm Livia. How. How do you know English?" I asked.

"Oh that's easy. My daddy taught me!" She said with a smile. "He learned it from his daddy who learned it from my granddaddy who learned it from my great granddaddy."

"Who taught you great granddaddy?" I asked, waiting for the answer 'his daddy'.

"From the nice man that came to the forest."

"Do you know his name?"

"You ask a lot of questions. And no." She said. "How old are you? I'm this many." She said, holding up six fingers.

"I'm sixteen. Who else lives here?"

"My mommy and I live in the tent with daddy. But he's not here very often. This is the chief's land. The village is on the other side of theses trees. I like it there but I don't get to see it that much. Where do you live?"

"I live outside of the forest." A drum interpreted my next question. "What was that?"

"The drum signals that the hunters are home. Can you take me to see?"

"Sure. One sec." I turned to the dragons. The others had joined Zara and Nox in the trees. I ordered them to stay before following the little girl into the forest.

We came out on the other side of the tree to see a large group of tents. It was group of Patria that took the others. They had my friends tied up to one another being lead by a Patria. Ryder was at the end putting up the fight of his life trying to break free.

"Daddy!" The little girl ran to the man who spoke to us. He picked her up and placed her on his shoulder.

"We have brought the outsiders here as sacrifices to Creatrix!" The man shouted. The crowd cheered. "They bring evil to the forest. They have nothing to offer. Nothing. They teach us not English nor how to hunt better. We already know this. And so one will be sacrificed to Malcolm!" The crowd cheered again.

"You fools!" I couldn't take anymore. "Was Malcolm the one to teach you English? If you praise him, why do you take his kin?" I said pointing to Ryder. "That is his grandson! He can teach you more than Malcolm did. New, exciting things." Ryder was frozen. "We all can."

"Silence girl. I didn't kill you before but I can kill you now."

"Why? As a sacrifice?" I asked.

"Are you willing to kill the love of a descendent of Malcolm? I am his great grandson. I will teach you like he did, if you let us all go." Ryder spoke up.

"What could you teach us that we don't know?"

"How to ride." Ryder whistled and Jessamine flew to his side. She cut him free with her wing. "I knew she'd be here with you Liv." Ryder winked at me.

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