"I just remember going on a run with you." I reply.

He sighs in relief and his hands slide up my arms to cover my hands, "I'm just glad you're okay."

He's still not answering my question so I look to George, who I didn't realise was here, "You obviously know what's going on, will you tell me?"

He nods, "Let's go back first, make sure you're all okay."

Ryder glares at him, "So now you're worried about her?"

"There was no need to worry, I'll explain." He replies.

We walk back to my house, Ryder never letting go of me the whole time.

As we walk, I try to think back to what happened, but all I remember was running through the forest.

Suddenly, part of it comes back to me and I remember staring into James's eyes as he pulls the trigger.

I stop abruptly and gasp, pulling my hand to my stomach.

Ryder immediantly turns around and grips my arms, "What's wrong?" He asks, eyes locked on my stomach where my my hand is resting.

I shake my head, "Nothing, I'm fine."

"Not here." I say through mind-link.

He doesn't even flinch, for a moment I don't even think he got my message.

"Okay, well just stay close." He replies.

But as he turns around to continue walking he gives me a small wink that only I see.

I take his hand as we walk, he grips it tight like he's never going to let me go.

I realise that I could have lost Ryder, or in other terms, he could have lost me.

And that means he could have lost himself. I couldn't deal with him turning into someone like Cam.

As I'm thinking all this, Torah comes up and hugs me, "I'm so happy you're okay."

I laugh and hug her back, "Sorry."

She rolls her eyes, "You're apologising?"

"I scared a lot of people." I reply.

I look around and frown when I see Josh, "Josh, are you okay?"

He looks up, "Oh yeah, just a bit of blood. It'll heal by tomorrow, no problem."

"How did it happen?" I ask.

"Oh, about that buddy. No hard feelings right?" Ryder asks and slaps a hand to his back.

Josh chuckles and shakes his head, "You pack a hard punch man."

"I'm Alpha, what did you expect?" Ryder replies.

"Wait, you did that too him?" I ask, pointing at Ryder.

He rubs the back of his head, "Yeah, I was a little out of it."

"A little out of it? You were a mad man." Trent replies.

"I was-"

"Ryder! Apologise right now!" I interrup him.

Everyone looks at me and Ryder raises his eyebrows.

"What?" He asks.

"He's your Beta," I gesture to Josh, "Apologise. You punched him in the face."

Ryder frowns, "He's okay about, we're good right?"

Josh goes to reply but I interrup again, "I don't care if he's okay with it, you apologise right now."

You Have No Idea, My Dear Alphaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن