Chapter 10

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Doug was in the cafeteria talking to Jay and Carlos when Evie came over to him.

"Hey Evie," Carlos said. Evie waved and then looked at Doug.

"We need to talk," Evie said. Doug looked at Jay and Carlos as they both shrugged.

"Okay Evie," Doug said standing up. He followed her outside to a bench in the garden. "You okay?"

"I could say everything's fine, but that would be a lie," Evie said sighing.

"Well, then tell me the truth."

"Do you promise not to hate me?"

"Princess, Nothing you say or do will ever be enough for me to hate you. You should know that by now," Doug said.



"Okay...." Evie said taking a deep breath. "Remember how a couple weeks ago we.... Um.... Got intimate?"

"Yes. Of course I remember."

"Well..... I'mpregnantandIunderstandifyouwanttobreakupwithmethatscompletelyfinebecauseIcanraisethebabyonmyown," Evie said.

"Evie, slow down, what did you say?"

"I said..... I'm pregnant," Evie said and Doug promptly fainted. "Doug...... You're making a scene..... Wake up!" Evie said poking him. 

"Wha?" Doug opened his eyes. "Evie, I had the strangest dream. I dreamt you were pregnant. Isn't that crazy?"

"It would be crazy...... If I wasn't actually pregnant," Evie said.

"Wait.... You're really pregnant?" Doug asked standing up.

"Yes," Evie said with tears in her eyes.


"I understand it you want to break up with me...."

"Evie this is great!" Doug said picking her up and spinning her around. Evie smiled.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Evie Queen, I love you. I want a family with you. Sure, it may be earlier than I expected, but I'll be there for You every step of the way."

"Doug....." Evie pressed her,hand on her flat stomach.

"You're keeping it right?"

"Yes.... It would be wrong to take this child's life."

"Some would even say It would be..... Evil...."

Evie laughed. "Yes, I suppose it would."

"So when do we start telling people?"

"Not yet. According to my estimates I'm only 4 weeks along. I want to tell people after I'm at least 12 weeks."

"Okay.... Does anyone else know?"

"Mal, Jane, and Lonnie. They were with me when I took the test."

Doug wrapped his arms around her. "I love you so much."

"I love you too.... And this baby...."

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