Ch. 12 - Meeting Army

Start from the beginning

When Eun-ha and the boys entered the hall, the hyungs asked what happened.

"Guys, I think we may lose some of our fans to Eun-ha.", J-Hope laughs.

Jin cries dramatically. "You have betrayed me Eun-ha. Why do you do this to me!", he rushes to her and clings to her.

"But I only returned a girl's handkerchief back to its owner. What's wrong with that?", Eun-ha shoves her hand on Jin's face to keep him away.

"It's good that you're relaxed now. Keep that up.", Suga gives her his usual blunt face but with a sincere look in his eyes.

Eun-ha smiles behind her mask and the two gazed at each other for a while, stuck in their own world.

Again, the naughty hyungs, J-Hope, Jimin, V, Jin and the naughty maknae Jungkook took a step back from them and whispered to each other. "There's something going on between those two. And it's slowly killing me from the inside.", said Jimin.

Jun clears his throat as he arrives at the scene. "Let's get you guys ready alright? Eun-ha, boys, come with me.", he swings his arm around Eun-ha's shoulders and guides her to the back stage to fix her up.

The boys followed while they glare at Jun while he's not looking. Suga didn't even react though.

About twenty minutes of preparation, the hall was immediately filled with Army. Most of them had fans with the name of their beloved bias and heart symbols. Like from their previous fan meets, they sat in a line together. But this time, there was an extra seat. And we all know who that seat belongs too.

Cameras from some of the paparazzi that came flashed as the eldest walks out of the back stage first followed by Rapmon, J-Hope, Suga, Jimin, Jungkook, V then the mysterious, masked Oppa.

"Hello everyone. It's cold today huh? Don't get sick waiting for us outside next time ok?", Jin grins and waves his hands at Army.

"We are fine oppa!", Army squealed in happiness and giggled.

Eun-ha listened to everything while making her cool aura noticeable. Although, under the table, her legs were shaking like a leaf.

Jimin puts his lips near the mic and seductively bobs his head at his fans. "So, did my appearance warmed you up yet?"

"Kyah!", the hall was filled with glorious Army wails and cries.

J-Hope and Jungkook snorts at Jimin and he playfully hits them.

"No Jimin. It's my good looks that warmed them up. Ain't that right guys?", Jin combs his hair to the back like the fabulous mom he is and does an aegyo wink at Army.

Some may wonder how one Army can survive the hotness of these boys. Even I can't take it.

"Jin-oppa!", they squealed again.

J-Hope grabs his mic and rests his elbows on the table, pointing his finger at Army. "You guys are forgetting about me too? Rapmon, Army is being mean.", he dramatically weeps and shakes Suga.

"No! We love you too JHope-oppa!"

Suga smirks and slaps his hands away. "Hey Army, do you see this?"

Army giggled at Suga's playfulness then it grew quiet as tension grew.

One of the girls from before notices Eun-ha. "What's your name oppa? You said earlier that we'll find out!"

Eun-ha flinched and fixes her half mask that only covered the upper half of her face. "Nice to meet you Army."

Rapmon claps his hands and stands up from his seat. "Army, meet BTS's newest member, Rha."

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