I loud ringing rang throughout my ears. I wouldn't be able to function? Darkness covered my thoughts, killing and ripping my soul...slowly...when would this end? I faded away and my mind was blank....

My senses were still gone and I was still dying. The darkness had come out many times and tried to kill me. But like a pattern, good would shine through and scare away the dark hands. The light would hold me and comfort me. But I knew this was good trying to ease the pain of death. My body had taken too much. Then I panicked. With all the energy I had I forced a noise that sounded like the word, "Baby!"  I realized that making that much of an effort could harm myself. I could feel that pain shooting through my head. 

"What did she just yell?" 

"I could make out the word...baby." ....tension...

"Why would she scream baby?"

"Why would I know?"

"She is just dreaming. Her subconscious."

"Why that word?"

"Who knows."

"Well what do we talk about why we wait?" 

"Pippin do you have words you would like to say?"

"Yes, Yes I do." ....Scuffling..... "Uh..Alice, do you remember the first time we met? It was when you first came to Middle Earth. Merry and I were calling dibs on you, but you fell in love with Frodo and were proposed into marriage. But you weren't happy. When he left you, you ran to me and told me all your problems. Soon you trusted me enough. I felt happy and finally I had found a love in my life. I guess that our travels made us grow together. At Rivendell, we celebrated our marriage together with people that we know. I know this is making no sense. B-b-b-but, I knew that we were going to live a happy life together Ali, you can't leave me. Sweetie! We have a life together! I want to have kids. Do you? Please answer! Please! Listen! Why did Sauron take you? We all love you. Come on. I don't want to go crazy. Come on!"  .....slam....heavy weight on my stomach....crying....

"Peregrin, please...step away from her." ....voices....

"Within a days time, if she does not show any other better signs, we will have to declare he dead." ....gasps....squeals.....

"But what if it takes a couple days. She could heal." 

"I know this kind of injury. Internal and in her mind. Not external. She is completely fine!" ....feet scuffling....

"Eomer...please hold Meriadoc back." ...struggling.....

"No! Pip, you have to agree with me!"

"But Gandalf...he knows best...I go with him." 

"Why? Why? Baby? What does that mean to you?" ....silent.....

"It means what we could have had...I'm sorry Merry." .....tension.....

"May everyone leave please?"


"JUST...please...can I have time?" ......footsteps....door closing....

"Allison. If and when the next day comes, I hope that you are alive so we won't have to deal with this. I love you. Everyone does...but you mean a lot to me. Come on, i cannot repeat that enough...Ever since I met you...."

Voices faded. I couldn't even tell who was speaking to me. They were all blurbs of nothing. Gargling sounds. This wasn't real. I had enough power to think, so I took this time and spoke a prayer.

I know that Sauron is a bad person. I do not know what made Sauron such a bad person. Please forgive him for using my body as a shell. I hope that he learns that what he is doing is tearing families apart. Maybe you could make him a better person. It is hard though.... I tried to think more and more, but even the power to make a thought was impossible...I tried..hard.

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now