Chapter Seventy-One

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"Goodbye Rose." Linda cheerfully said, "To think we are parting as friends, never would I have guessed the two of us would when I first met you."

Rose nodded her head, "I can hardly remember back then, it was so long ago."

"Do you ever wish you could go back?"

"All of the time."

Linda stared at the younger woman, noticing the dark bags stained upon her face and the loss of her pink cheeks, "I am so sorry, to lose the man you love, I could not imagine."

"And I hope you never have to." Rose replied, "Goodbye Linda."

Arthur was the next person to embrace her, tightening his grip on her for a moment before releasing her quickly, "I fear this shall be the last time we see each other Rose."

"I think it will be a good thing for you. If you never see me again then it means you are happy and safe in America."

The Eldest Shelby brother nodded his head, "Look after yourself Rose."

"You too Arthur." The two stared at each other before nodding their heads, both of them silently saying farewell.

It was the day of goodbyes, not only were Linda and Arthur leaving to America, Ada and Lizzie were returning to the Crawford Summer House along the south coast. That was to be their last home, none of them wishing to return to the Shelby Manor.

"Look after them please." Rose whispered to her sister-in-law, referring to her children, "And yourself, make sure you put your own happiness first."

"Your brother Rose," Ada replied gently, "He wanted me to ask you if it would be okay for him to move with us."

Finally, Rose's face lit up with joy, an expression no one had seen since John's death, "You needn't ask, the answer is yes, of course. The two of you are well suited."

"Thank you Sister." Ada said while giggling.

She stood alone, in the entrance, watching all of the cars drive quickly away. None of them wanted to remain, none of them wanted to return. And none of them would.

Rose longed for it to be her leaving, for it to be her returning to her children. To hear their laughter and squeals of happiness as they ran around the garden. To watch them grow older until finally they no longer depended on her for everything. To when they would become young and beautiful independent people who would come and visit her occasionally and then they would tell her all about their adventures. She had seen the innocence that had so carefully blossomed in them, slowly die and diminish. So now, she hoped, she prayed with everything that she had, that her children, that John's children would have a life of happiness. That they would remain safe and would not follow in their parents footsteps. Soon she would be back and watch over them, but now she had business to take care of.

Wind pushed her loose hair back, revealing the tear stained cheeks as her eyes stared at the headstones in front of her. Slowly, her hand reached forward allowing her thumb to trace the names and dates. Agony shot through her as she thought back to John's last living moments, she had not been able to save him.

Guilt consumed her, eating away at her sanity and slowly but surely killing her. Every night, in her dream state, she would return to his last moments, and every time she would try her hardest to save him, to change the horrible outcome. But she never could. Instead, she was forced to watch over and over, as he died in her arms. It was ironic, him dying shortly after his 'resurrection'. Or maybe it was what they deserved, maybe all their crimes were slowly catching up with them.

Footsteps were heard, crunching the fallen leaves, until they stopped beside her. She knew who it was without properly needing to look. "This shall be my final resting place."

"That shall not be for a very long time." Michael replied softly as he stared at the two graves, "I need your guidance, to help me make this business successful."

She shook her head slowly, as if she was preparing was she was about to say, "You don't need my help Michael. You are clever enough to be able to rule this gang. Listen to your men, do not become too arrogant and you shall be fine. You are one of the lucky ones." Rose smiled sadly at him, "You have the ability to keep power."

"How do you know that?"

"I've known enough men and enough important men to know what it takes for people to become powerful and keep the power theirs."

Michael nodded his head, unsure about what to say, "I hear Alfie is going to remain at the Manor with you and the children."

"He's grown fond of the children."

"Do you mean he's grown fond of you?" Michael asked her, teasing her slightly.

Rose however, was not in the mood for games, "No, we are simply friends."

"Do you think you could ever learn to love him?"

She shook her head quickly, "John was my last love, I shall never love another."

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