Chapter Three

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Rose stayed hidden in her bedroom, the Balton's had been invited over and she didn't want them to know who she was. The only people who knew where Rose was, were the Shelby's and Crawford's, she didn't want to give the Balton's an advantage, they had to use her against them. Shouting could be heard between Tommy and another before everything became silent. 

Car doors were slammed before quickly driving away, Rose quietly walked down the stairs and into the front room where all the Shelby's were sat, "What happened?"

"They refused to work with us, said they didn't want to upset the Crawford's even more." Tommy explained to her.

"Good, that's good." Rose smiled. "That means they don't suspect you, they have no idea you're working for the Crawford's. Brilliant."

Polly cleared her throat before asking, "What are we going to do now?"

"You keep trying to persuade the Baltons to work with you while you build your empire up, become a shadow of who you once were." Rose told them. "No one fears you right now, you need to rule again."

"Or what?"

Rose raised an eyebrow. "Then there was no point in saving you. And instead of the Balton's being targeted by my father, it'll be you." She stood up "I need a drink!" 

"How did your family become the rulers they are today?" Arthur asked her.

"We didn't come from rags to riches like you. We've always been high up, it wasn't until my grandfather inherited the family business and he decided to use fear to rise to power." Rose said as she downed her drink. "My father then took it a step further."

"Your family haven't always been gangsters then?" Michael asked.

"No, my family were respected, they had a large stately home in the countryside and a title with it. We still have the title but the house, it burnt down. Someone thought they could destroy us."

"What happened to them?" Tommy asked interested in her family's history.

"They were destroyed and so was the rest of their bloodline." Rose replied. "And since that day, my family were respected and feared."

"Your mother?" Polly inquired. "Did she like what your family does?"

Rose shook her head. "My mother saw the good in the world, she wanted peace not war. She was too pure for the business."

"What happened to her?" 

"My father sacrificed her for the business. She was abducted and the terms that were placed was that they would kill her unless my father stopped the business." Rose's face became unreadable. "My siblings did not care but I, I promised I would get her revenge."

"Which is why you're helping us?" Tommy asked her. "Does your father know of your feelings?"

"I've never told anyone."

"But why us?" John asked. "You could have picked anyone."

"Because I believe that you can stop my family, you have nothing left to lose. Those like that are the most dangerous people in this world." 

Tommy smiled. "And that is who you are. You have no one left."

"What about your husband?"

"Where is he? He is not here. So no one can hurt him."

Polly stared at her. "Do you love him?"

"Not anymore." Rose smiled sadly. "Too much time has passed." And no one had an answer for that. 

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