Chapter Forty-Three

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Shouting was the only thing that could be heard in the office, as nearly everyone in the room yelled at each other.

Except for one.

Rose Shelby.

Instead she was sat at the back of the room, watching and waiting for something to happen. For something to explode.

Tommy was at the front, sat at his desk, trying his hardest to get everyone to be quiet - to no avail. "I need everyone's attention!"

"No you need our loyalty, our loyalty for nothing."

"If you would all shut up." Tommy said before screaming at the top of his voice, "Shut up!" Everyone sat down and stared at him in silence. "I've always kept my promises, always saved this family so listen to me."

Arthur scoffed as he began to yell at his brother, "Things were different back then Tom."

Michael then took over, "You no longer care about the business Tommy, the only thing you care about is power and getting more of it." He shook his head, "Back then you actually ran the business but for these last couple of years it's been us, us, your fucking family."

"Michael!" Tommy warned, "Be very careful with what you say next."

"Why Tommy, are you going to kill me?"

"We need to continue to expand the business! To stay the best we must be the best. Yet if we don't then people shall think we're weak."

John snorted causing Rose to stare at him, "Tom, listen to me, this is not going to make us the best. We are already the best so all we need to do is keep it. The Crawford's they maintained their business and that in turn made people go to them for help. We need to be more like them and less brutal!"

Tommy shook his head, "That wife of yours is poisoning your head."

"Power is poisoning yours."

"We shall be going up north to attack a gang that have recently been gaining power. Meaning we have to kill them before they kill us."


"Have they threatened us?"

"Why can't we just wait for them to come to us?"

"By going up there we shall be starting yet another war for no apparent reason!"

Tommy glanced around at his family, "We shall be going next Monday. We'll be taking four cars there and the journey will be two hours long. You will all need to bring a weapon and prepare for a good fight."

There was a murmur of disagreement from the people in the room before they finally nodded.

"You can leave now." Tommy ordered them all, "Go, all of you out."

John held out his hand to Rose and then the two followed the Blinders out of the room, "Peace hasn't worked." John muttered to her.

"Not you Rose, you can stay."

Smiling at her husband, she nodded her head, "Go, I'll be okay."

When they were finally alone, Rose sat in the chair directly opposite him. "What do you want Tommy?"

"I need your advice once again." He poured two glasses of alcohol for them, "Here."

"Thank you." She drank some of the drink before looking at him, "You need to sort your act out Thomas, or you're going to lose absolutely everything."

"Absolutely everything?"

"Yes, including your life." Rose sighed, "Charlie needs his father Tommy, he's already lost his mother don't let him lose his father."

He stared at her coldly, "I am not leaving him. I'm doing this for him, leaving him a bright and powerful business."

She hesitated before finally telling him, "Tommy, I fear you have already lost the confidence of the Blinders. The men, they will no longer listen to you."

"They listened to me just now."

"Does not mean they will help you Tommy," Rose leaned forward, "They've already argued against you, what do you think will happen next? They'll happily follow you? Do everything you tell them?"

"Stop it!" Tommy shouted at her.

"You're going to have to give them more power, make them feel more important, to keep them happy."

He shook his head, "I cannot do that, I am the leader so I cannot allow them to take my power away from me or else I may as well not be the leader."

"Then you must prepare for war."

"Why did you not speak during our recent family meeting? You are usually one of the more vocal members."

"I had nothing to say." Rose replied, "Nothing that would change anything. Your men have already made up their minds."

"I know you are planning something."

"Am I?"

The two stared at each other, both of them wanting to win, "Of course you are. You always are."

Rose stood up, readying herself to leave, "Tommy, you know this better than anyone else, family is the most important thing.

"And I must protect my family."

The Poisoned RoseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz