Chapter Sixty-Two

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It was a lovely day, the sun beamed down on the garden and a gentle wind cooled the children down as they played together. Rose and John, hand in hand, walked out and over to the squealing youth. 

"Look at me!" Louis said as he managed to successfully complete a cartwheel, "Katie taught me how to do it."

"Well done darling."

"Katie is the best big sister!" Joe yelled, "She's the best!"

The eldest child grinned at her younger sibling, "Thank you!"

All of the other siblings then attempted to do a cartwheel, watching as Katie practiced perfectly.

"I can't do it!" Elsie whispered to her sister, "I am not good enough."

"You are good enough Els, come on, let me help you."

"We must protect them." John whispered to his wife, as the two walked back to the house, "Look at them, they are innocent."

"We shall be better than our parents." Rose replied, "Do not worry John. They are safe here."

He smiled at her, "They are our most prized possessions."

Flinching as she remembered her father, "But we shall not use them. They shall grow up and be happy. We will not force them to be like us, they shall choose their own futures."

"Yes." John kissed her softly, "When will this war be over?"

"Hopefully soon."

"For I cannot wait until we can peacefully move on and watch our beautiful children grow up until strong and clever adults."

"I long for that time to come."

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