Chapter Thirty-Two

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Quietly, she walked down the stairs. Even though she was supposed to be resting she couldn't. Being stuck in the same room for such a long period of time did not agree with her.

As soon as she entered the drawing room, all eyes were darting between her and John. "Rose? You should be in bed?"

"If I stay in bed for a moment longer I fear I will not be able to stop myself from killing someone."

"You need rest."

"Which is why I shall sit down." Rose told him as she sat down beside Michael, "See? I'm resting!"

"The doctor said you need to be on bed rest."

"I don't like the doctor."

John sighed, "He knows what he's talking about."

"I used to be a nurse so from personal experience I say it is completely okay for me to sit downstairs rather than lying in that bloody room."

Michael sniggered, "Didn't you look after wounded soldiers?"


"I didn't know you had to deal with pregnant women."

"Shut up." Rose told him as he looked over at her bemusedly.

"Right." Tommy said finally, gaining everyone's attention, "We've been attacked."

All the people in the room looked at him in shock, "What do you mean?"

"The other day one of the factories we bought from the Crawfords in London was ransacked and the workers all killed." Tommy explained to them, "The people that did this are a gang."

"Which gang?" Rose asked him, she was still calm but there was a hint of anger in her tone.

"They call themselves the Marlborough gang." Tommy told them.

Rose's head snapped to stare at him, "So I was right."

He glanced over at her before slowly nodding his head, "We should never have taken their supplies at the dock."

"I told you they would fight back." Rose said while shaking her head, "They are strong and powerful."

"We can defeat them!"

Scoffing, she replied with, "You really think so? I know you are very confident and powerful but these men, they are something different."

"We managed to kill the Crawfords."

"That's because you had me! They were my family!" She yelled at him.

"Rose." John shouted, "Don't work yourself up."

"You didn't kill them, I killed my family." She continued to scream, "And we could only do it because I knew everything about them. I knew how they worked!"

John stood up, "Rose."

"Not now John." Rose replied, "Tommy you are going into this blind."

"We can beat them." Tommy said enthusiastically, "They are too confident!"

"Can you not hear yourself, Thomas Shelby? You are too confident!"

"Rose, we can do it! I know we can!"

"Tommy don't you think we've discussed this enough?" John said as he moved closer to his brother, "I think we should go upstairs Rose."

"Shut up John." Tommy told him, "They don't belong here in England but we do."

Shaking her head, Rose told him, "They've worked in London for years, just because they don't live here, doesn't mean they are complete strangers."

"Trust me on this Rose, they are beatable."

"Right, shall we go upstairs!"

"I swear to god John!" Rose yelled, "Would you be quiet?"

"Sit down John."

"So what are you going to do?" Rose asked him.

Tommy shrugged, "It is time the Peaky Blinders return to London."

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