Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Innocence. Even in the worst of times and the worst of places innocence can be found. To those too young to understand or those too ignorant of what is in front of them. There is one certainty about innocence though, it shall be lost. For one can never truly stay innocent, something, one event will take place and destroy the goodness in them. 

But for now, Rose and John Shelby were happy with their children being completely oblivious to the horrors their parents had witnessed and took part in. 

"It's a baby!" Katie squealed excitedly, "There's a new baby." She ran forward so she could see Elsie even more, "What's the baby?"

John knelt down beside his daughter and carefully told her, "Katie, this is your new baby sister Elsie."

"I have a new sister?"

"Yeah, a new sister." John smiled lovingly, "And she's going to need you to look after her for she's very fragile at the moment."

Katie nodded eagerly, "I will be the best older sister she'll ever have!"

Rose chuckled as she sat down on the floor, Elsie securely in her arms, "Come and say hello to Elsie."

The children all moved so they were stood in front of Rose, "Is she sleeping?" Jack whispered to her, "Can we wake her up?"

"She's still asleep but she will wake up soon." Rose told him in a hushed tone, "And then she'll be ready to play."

"You'll have to very careful with her though." Katie ordered him, it was already apparent that she was taking charge and was going to become the protector for her younger sister.

Joe glared at his sister, "Just because you are the oldest sibling doesn't mean you are allowed to be the one in charge."

"I am the one in charge." Katie retorted, "Because you are really, really young and you, well you, lose."

"That's silly." Joe shouted, "I am the eldest boy!"

Katie pushed her brother away from her, "Rose said that it does not matter if you are a girl or boy! We are not very different - except I'm older than you!"

"You are both very silly!" Louis stepped in between his brother and sister, "All of us can be in charge. We can all look after her, can't we Jack?"

Jack nodded his head, "Yes! We'll be her guards!"

Rose and John smiled gently at each other, "Well since you four have things settled here, shall we put her into her cot?"

All four of the children sat beside the cot and watched Elsie constantly, "You two can leave now, we'll look after her." Katie informed them, "If we need your help then we will call you."

And for now, innocence prevailed in the Shelby children yet due to the family they were born in, for the Shebys' were the Peaky Blinders and no one could escape from the business. No matter how hard their parents tried, they would be forced into it just like Rose had been by her own relations. 

And innocence once lost is lost forever.

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