Chapter Seventy

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Four figures stood in the dark. Watching. Waiting. For the right time. They were in the shadows so no one could see them. They did not speak, all they  did was stare. When it was time to act, they would all know. 

Tommy and Michael stared each other out. Neither wanting to make the first move. They would wait each other out. One of them would have to make a move finally.

"How good to see you dear cousin."


"Brother." Tommy stared at his youngest brother in distaste, "You are not the boy I remember."

"The same goes for you."

A chuckle slipped out the elder man's laugh, "I am not the one who betrayed his family."

And that was when Tommy's men attacked.

It was clear who had the advantage - the elder, more experienced men took control over the young and eager boys. 

"Shall we act?" Arthur whispered.

Rose slowly shook her head, "Not yet. Wait until his guard is down."

Michael ran at Tommy, screaming at the top of his lungs, but he was easily cast down by Tommy's fist, "You are not strong enough to beat me."

"I can and I will."

"You are weak." Tommy began to laugh as he smirked to himself.

She put up her hand and the group began to move quickly to the scene. "Don't mind if we join?" Rose shouted to Tommy. And then lots more men ran out of the alley and joined in with the fighting. "Get up Michael." Rose whispered as she held out a hand to him. 

It was spectacular, what followed. Rose fought bravely alongside the men she had known for so many years. 

Finn brutally punched the man until he was on the floor. He pulled his cap off and truly became a Shelby. Blood splattered everywhere and the look on Finn's face was something to be scared of. He was a monster. 

What had happened to the child?

She had watched him grow up, seen him blossom into the man he was today.

Was this the fate of her own children?

Backing up, she stopped when she finally hit the wall. Exhaustion crept in as she watched the scene unfold. Family killing family. Granted she had killed her own but they had never been close, had never trusted each other. Yet the Shelby's had. They had been the greatest of allies, the people you thought would never betray each other. And now they were doing everything they could to kill one and other. 

She didn't want to be part of this. 

The Poisoned Rose had gone. 

She had gone the moment John died in her arms. The moment she realised that it wasn't worth it.

For so many years she had been blind. Blind to love and loyalty. 

All that was left was Rose Shelby, a widow and mother. 

Shaking her head, she pushed a piece of fallen hair out of her face. This was her doing. She could have stopped the fighting at the start, made them realise they had to work together. But she didn't. Instead, she wanted Tommy dead. Wanted him to lose. 

It was her fault John was dead. She hadn't pulled the trigger but it was her who had loaded the gun. 

They were family. Each other's weakness. The reason to fight.

A man ran towards her, his arm raised as he went to hit her. And she did nothing but waited for the pain. Luckily, he fell to the floor as Alfie stabbed the man through the back. "Are you okay?" He shouted, worry written across his features, "Why are you just stood there?"

"I can't do this anymore Alfie." 

He had no response but an understanding look replaced the worried expression.

Alfie walked towards her so that she would no longer be unprotected, "It's almost over."

"It will never be over Alfie. Not really." She whispered, before pointing at her head, "It will always be in here, continuing to kill us all."


"But it is what I deserve." The poison had finally affected her, working its way around her body, ruining everything it touched. "It's what we all deserve."

Michael stepped towards his cousin, "Give up Tommy."

"You're turning into me Michael."

"I will never be like you."

"Don't become like me Michael." Tommy whispered to him, "I am not a good example of a leader. Be better."

The younger boy stared at the man he had once admired, "What are you talking about?"

Tommy lifted his hand so the blood stained shirt was visible, "John got his revenge."

"You're dying?"

"Do it Michael." Tommy bitterly told him, "Make it seem as though I put up a good fight."


"Learn from my mistakes. Protect your family. Protect the business. And don't change."

The two stared at each other, neither knowing what to say next, "Tommy, fight for fuck sake."

The elder man shook his head, "I am done fighting Michael."

Michael shakily raised his gun and aimed it towards the formidable Thomas Shelby.

And just like John had, Tommy fell down onto his knees. His piercing blue eyes connecting with her dark ones. The two stared at each other before he uttered his final words, "I'm sorry." And then his body slumped forward, and his last breath was taken.

The Gray Gang began to celebrate, Finn and Michael smiling out of relief. The young boys cheered together and began to congratulate one and other. 

Arthur stared at his brother, he was the remaining one out of the'infamous' three, sadness owned his face. He may not have agreed with his brother in the end but that did not mean his heart broke. 

Staring at his friend, Alfie moved forward to pat him on the back, as though he was comforting the eldest Shelby.

"We've fucking won!" 

"Michael you've finally done it."

Rose's eyes remained upon the dead body. Her body had shut down. Her mind was blank.

Thomas Shelby - the man that had made the Peaky Blinders something - was dead.


The Peaky Blinders no longer existed. They too had been swallowed up by the power.

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