Chapter Twenty-One

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Rose slowly made her way down the stairs where all the Peaky Blinders were waiting, "Is everything ready?" She asked Tommy as she buttoned her coat up.

"Yes," Tommy told her as he put his cigarette out, "The men are all in place, they know the signal."

She nodded her head, "Shall we go then?"

The Peaky Blinders then walked out and all jumped into their cars. Rose was to be with the eldest Shelby brothers, Tommy and Arthur were in the front while John and Rose were sat in the back. "How long will it take for us to get there?" John asked.

"Two hours." Tommy told him, "We'll stop for a piss half way there."

Rose rolled her eyes as she looked over at all the passing scenery, "How can so much beauty be so close to this much terror and pain?"

The three brothers laughed, "That's what everyone thinks about you!" Arthur told her while coughing.

Shaking her head, she glanced over at John who was smirking at her, "It's true. You are the beauty of the Crawford family."

"Hear that Tommy, he thinks she's the beauty."

Tommy chuckled as he looked back at the two, "She bloody well is though, did you see her sister?"

"Fucking Ugly, if I may say so myself." Arthur laughed loudly, "Not a scratch on our Rose."

Ignoring their comments, she changed the conversation, "Do you all remember the plan?"

"Of course we do." John replied, "We go and be the brutes that we are while you stay hidden, controlling everything that happens."

Rose stared at him before saying, "I may be strong but I cannot fight men of their size!"

"Of course you can't." John told her, "There is no way I would let you go out and fight those monsters."

The two men chuckled at his comment while Rose looked out at the countryside, smiling to herself.

Tommy stood in front as he went over the plan again, everyone nodding as they knew what their part in it was. "Good luck." Rose said to the men, looking around at them all, "If you keep straight to the plan then everything will be fine."

With one last look at the group, she began to carefully make her way inside the building and up to the highest floor where she would have a good view of all that was going on. Slowly, she pressed her hand against her thigh and a wave of relief fell across her as she felt her gun, they didn't know she was there. But you could never be too careful.

"Tommy Shelby!" A voice echoed around the large room, "Now, what a pleasant surprise. How may we help you?"

Tommy stepped forward, his brothers following, "We're here to have a drink with our dear friends."

"Are you now?" The father of the Balton clan asked him, "With all your men?"

"Of course." Tommy replied calmly, "Time for all of our men to become friends and ready to work together in the future."

The father laughed, "Of course, of course." He pulled out a chair, "Take a seat, take a seat."

Tommy sat down and immediately lit his cigarette, "Thank you."

"News we heard, is that you've got a new girl in your family. Proper beauty, she is."

The third eldest Shelby brother turned to glare at the man, but Tommy spoke before John could say anything, "Just a girl that came to us needing help."

"Have you brought any of your girls with you?"

"No." Tommy replied, "Women are too gentle so wouldn't like to drink with us."

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