Chapter Thirty-Four

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"You don't have to agree with him." John informed her as he helped her walk down the staircase, "If you say no then he won't do anything."

Rose turned to stare at her husband, "What are you talking about?"

"He's going to ask you something Rose, and I just want you to know you don't have to say yes." John said but he refused to tell her anything more.

"Why?" Anger was beginning to consume her, "Is it because it will involve me having a part in this fight? Do you wish for me to stay stuck in our bedroom all the time?"

John shook his head quickly, "No. It is because I know that after everything you've finally been able to rid yourself of it. If you were to say yes then you would have to become who you once were again."

Sauntering into the drawing room, Rose drawled out, "You summoned me, I was having my hourly nap, it better be good."

Tommy grinned at her as she sat down onto a chair that had been brought in for her, "How are you feeling today Rose?"

"I would much rather you just ask what you are going to ask rather than trying to compliment me enough so I will say yes. It won't work, instead it shall make me angrier."

"Of course." Tommy replied, "We need your help."

Laughter filled the room, Rose smiled happily at him, "You have come to your senses and realised you need to find out actual information about your enemy than just going out and fighting them."

"Yes." Tommy said quietly.

"I didn't hear you." Rose shouted smugly, "What was that?"

"You know what I said."

"Do I? I don't think I do. Pregnancy seems to have affected my hearing."

Tommy glared at her, "We need you to find out information about the family for us."

Nodding, she proceeded to tell them everything she knew, "They used to be boxers, quite big but then they chose to become gangsters. Much more glamorous. They have never been looking for trouble, never wished to come over to England until their ship was robbed. Now they are planning their revenge - which I am sure is going to be full of torture. The people you fought are not the actual family, just the thugs that work for them - know each other from their boxing days.

"The family are planning on coming to London in two weeks time, they shall be on the ship coming from New York to the Docklands. There they shall be picked up by the thugs and will be taken to the Savoy hotel. Nothing to do with them, they just have the money to be able to afford to stay in a hotel of that standard. You will not be able to go in and cause trouble though.

"And they will only be in London for a month so your time to defeat them in limited." Rose informed them and a smirk made it's way onto her face as she took in the shock expressions on all of the men.

"You've known all along we would come to you." Tommy said as he shook his head, "I bet you knew all that before we went off to fight the thugs."

Rose stared at him, "Of course I did, but I knew no real harm would happen to you so I refused to tell you until you actually came to me asking for it."

Tommy started to chuckle, "You are something different."

"Was that all? Can I take my leave now?"

"No, I have one more thing to ask you." Tommy said as they all turned to look at her again, "The Crawford business, it's still there, is it not?"

Carefully, she stared at him, "Yes..."

"It would help us a lot if you were to reopen it."

"No. Definitely not." Rose told him immediately, "There is no way I shall reopen the business."

And before anyone could respond, she walked out of the room and out of the front doors, "Where are you going?" Ada asked her.

"I'm going on a walk for some fresh air," Rose replied, "Do you want to come with me?"

"Yes." Ada said as she looped her arm around Rose's and then the two began to slowly walk around the gardens talking quietly to each other. 

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