Chapter Sixty-One

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"Hurry up, Tommy." John yelled at his elder brother, "You're taking too much time!"

He smirked at his brother, "John, you have plenty of time."

"I don't have plenty of time!"

Arthur walked in, grinning, "Look at our Johnny boy, getting all flustered on his big day. Don't worry brother, everything is going to go to plan."

"With the Peaky Blinders there, I highly doubt that."

Staring at her reflection in the mirror, Rose smiled, "How do I look?"

"You look beautiful Rose." Ada complimented her as she wrapped her arm around her waist, "You will be the most stunning bride anyone has ever seen."

"Thank you." Rose replied, "I have never felt this nervous before."

The women all stared at the bride, "Enjoy today Rose,"

"There better be no word of business uttered!"

John pulled his jacket on and brushed it down to make sure it was straight and smart, "How long until the wedding?"

"An hour," Arthur informed his brother, "How are you feeling brother?"

Tommy walked back into the room, "I think we should talk about-"

"No Tom!" John shook his head, "Rose will kill us if she found out we discussed business. Heck, I'll kill you if you bring it up."

"Alright, alright," Tommy smirked at his brother, "Shall we go to the church now?"

It seemed to go so quickly yet so slowly. All she wanted was to finally be married to the man she loved. To call him her husband. And for him to call her his wife.

"Rose, you look beautiful." Tommy complimented her as he strode over to her, "Are you ready?"

"Make sure I don't fall Tom."

He laughed before smiling sweetly at her, "You won't fall Rose."

"I feel as though I might."

"I am very happy for you and John." Tommy whispered to her, "The love you two share is beautiful to see."

Staring at him, she told him, "What has happened to Thomas Shelby?"

"I am happy for my brother and soon to be sister-in-law."

"Thank you Tommy." 

He then took her arm and guided her up towards the church, "Are you ready?"

"Of course." She gently replied, her eyes trained up at the church.

Music began to play and the large doors opened allowing her to see the guests and most importantly John. 

They waited there for a moment, Rose and Tommy, as the children went down the aisle first. All looking lovely in their dresses and suits. And then finally, it was time for Rose to ascend down the aisle. It was as though her body was moving by itself, as though she was being pulled towards John. She did not look at anyone but him. Studying his face, the way his eyes crinkled as his mouth turned up into a big smile. The way he stared at her as though she was the best thing in the world. 

And then she was beside him. His hand replacing Tommy's. Small smiles lighting both of their faces. John moved closer to her and whispered softly, "You look beautiful darling."

"Thank you, you look very dashing."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

"Finally." John said causing everyone to laugh, and with that he placed his lips onto hers. It was a gentle kiss with passion and love and it promised more. "I love you."

"I love you more." Rose whispered back. 

Loud laughter echoed around the room, as Arthur shouted merrily, "To my little brother, I can still remember you as a young boy, annoying and always wanting to prove yourself. And now, all these years later I am so proud to say you have proved yourself. To be a brave and a fucking good fighter. You are the best of us John. And now you are going to prove yourself as a good husband to a lovely wife. Rose Shelby!" Everyone cheered, "A woman who has made us all better and helped us become stronger. We owe you our lives Rose. So to the happy couple, we wish the best of luck!" They all toasted to John and Rose. 

"Thank you Arthur!"John shouted. 

"You have made me a better man." John told his wife later that night, when it was finally the two of them, "Without you I would still be an angry and stupid man."

Shaking her head, she replied, "You have always been a good man John, you just needed to realise it. If either of us should be thanking the other, it would be me. Before I met you, I was a cold and bitter woman."

"And now you are a loving and caring woman." He told her before kissing her neck repeatedly, "My wife."

"My husband."

He stared down at her, "I am the luckiest man alive."

"And I the luckiest woman."

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