Chapter Forty-Two

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"Mother!" Elsie squealed as Rose walked across the garden to where her children were playing, "Eddie is being mean again."

Edward, who looked exactly like his father, shook his head as he ran over to Rose, "Don't listen to her, she's lying. I was being very nice to her."

Rose laughed as she looked down at the two, "Okay, Katie dear, which one of them is telling the truth."

The elder girl wandered over, her dark brown hair plaited down her back, "Elsie is. Can I please go inside and read my book please."

"Of course, enjoy the peace and quiet."

"Thank you mother." Katie said as she walked quickly into the house.

"And what are you three doing?" Rose shouted at the three boys, "Louis, do not try and run away."

Jack, Joe and Louis all turned sheepishly, they were covered in mud and were all holding a flower, "We were picking flowers."

Rose smiled to herself, "Why were you picking flowers?"

"Because Georgina loves them!"

Her attention was then on her youngest child, "Hello beautiful." Rose whispered as she picked the two year old up, "What have your big brothers been up to? What have the done for you."

The three boys all stopped so they were in front of her, "We picked some pretty flowers for you Georgie!"

"Flowers!" Georgina shouted enthusiastically as she reached down to grab them, "Flowers."

Rose laughed at the scene unfolding in front of her, the boys stood up on their tippy toes and gave the flowers to their youngest sibling. And then Georgina began to wave the flowers around, her high pitched giggle causing the family to smile at her affectionately.

Elsie ran over to them, laughing loudly, "Help me, help me, the horrible Edward beast is chasing me." The three boys glanced over their shoulders to see Edward running towards them, "Quick or he'll eat you!"

The three boys joined in with running away from Edward, all five of them had joyful expressions etched on their features.

Rose sat down, Georgina still in her arms, and stared forward at her family. Feeling a presence beside her she saw it was Katie, with a book in her hands, "I heard you all laughing."

"What book are you reading?"

"Pride and Prejudice." Katie replied, "Have you ever read it?"

Nodding, Rose told her, "It was my favourite when I was growing up."

"I wish I was Elizabeth Bennett."


"Because she was safe and her family were good people even if they were rather annoying." Katie sighed, "And our family, our family is bad and very dangerous."

Rose placed her hand on Katie's shoulder, "I'm so very sorry."

"You're not bad. You may not be my biological mother but you are my mother. It's uncle Tommy whose bad, I heard Uncle Finn talking about him. They're planning something mum."

"Nothing for you to worry about Kate, whatever happens shall not cause you harm."

"I love you mum."

"I love you too darling."

It was it that moment that Rose vowed to protect the children with everything she had. Even if it cost her her life.

John joined his family and became the monster so that Edward was now running with his siblings.

"I wish we could always be like this, happy and well." Katie whispered, "Why can't we just run away like Lydia did in the novel."

"Because running away wouldn't help anyone." Rose told her, "Because we are a family so we must stay."

"What about if Uncle Tommy does something he shouldn't do?"

Rose sighed, "Then we shall have to stop him."

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