Chapter Fifty-Three

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Shouts echoed around the dark alleyway, the sounds of bone breaking could be heard clearly, and then everything stopped.

"Tommy!" Michael yelled loudly at his cousin, "Fancy seeing you here."

He scoffed as he stepped forward, glaring harshly the younger man, "Michael, thought you would have stayed at home and pretended to be busy with business."

"That's not what I do Tommy." Michael shook his head, "That's what you forced me to when I was young but I'm not young anymore."

"Has Michael Gray grown up?" Tommy laughed bitterly, "No longer need mummy to make you sandwiches?"

Rose glanced down, her hand tightly gripping the rail in front of her, "Don't break, don't listen to him." She whispered, "Don't give in."

"At least I have a mother."

Tommy stared blankly at him, "A mother who is not on your side?"

"Really?" Michael stepped forward, "Did she tell you that? Because she told me something different."

"React." Rose said in a hushed tone so no one could hear her, "Fucking react Tommy, show us what you are made of."

And he did just that, Tommy ran towards his cousin and angrily punched him in the gut and then the head. Michael responded with kicking Tommy in the shin so that he fell over, "You are old Tommy."

"And you are inexperienced." 

Rose turned her back to the scene, she had seen enough, she knew what they were good and bad at. Slowly, she began to walk away, with the sound of grunts and yelps of pain in the background, and a smirk upon her lips. 

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