Ch. 11 - Umma Fangirl & Signatures

Start from the beginning

Her dad chuckles and clears his throat. "Even if I did try, I can never win against your mother. You know that."

"It's Eun-ha's parents!", J-Hope happily leans his face on Eun-ha's phone. "Hi Eun-ha's parents!"

Eun-ha's mom squeals. "Oh my gosh it's J-Hope! He's so cute! Is Jiminie there too?"

Jimin pops from the other side of the screen, leaning on Eun-ha's shoulders. "Hello!"

"Oh Jimin-oppa, you're my favorite! I love you so much! Thank you boys for taking care of my pain in the butt daughter.", the mother flutters her eyes and bashfully covers her face.

"Mom, act like your age please. Aren't you like fifty or something?", Eun-ha rolls her eyes and spats, attacking her mom. 

Her mother gasps in annoyance. "I'm only forty-one! Some say I'm even younger than my age! Hmph! You ungrateful brat, I didn't raise you to have such a potty mouth."

Suga pushes J-Hope to the side to free himself from the weight and leans on Eun-ha's shoulder. "You got that right."

"Ms. Rha, you look young enough to be her older sister!", said Jimin sweetly, causing Eun-ha's mother to squeal again.

"Aish you guys! Appa, control mom. If you have nothing nice to say mom, I'm hanging up!", it was getting really tiresome with everyone on her rear. "Did you need anything?"

"Actually yes. Eun-ha did you forgive Jun yet?", said her mother.

The girl turns to Jimin and Suga then they gave her a nod."Yeah yeah. Is that it? We made up blah blah blah. Jun's fine, he just got slapped. He's not dead. So are we done now?"

"In a bit. So—", her mother pauses and takes a deep breath. "Are any of you boys interested in marrying my daughter? I know she's a little too feisty but give her a chance!", she laughs.

"Mom! I'm hanging up you old hag! Bye Appa, take care!", Eun-ha's pale cheeks turned pink from embarrassment

Her dad waves at her and her mom just kept laughing then Eun-ha hangs up. Everything was dead silent but the sizzling from the kitchen. They were all holding their laughter besides Eun-ha who began sulking. And after a while, they couldn't hold it in, they let it all out.


"Guys!", she yelled.

It was finally dark outside and some of the boys decided to head back to their rooms to either sleep or do their thing. Eun-ha just came back into their room after taking a bath and wanted to continue to work on her signature. The last ones left behind in the living room were Jin, Rapmon, V and of course, Suga. But they were all departing to their rooms already but Suga. He was sitting on the couch, piling all the paper that Eun-ha used.

"Hyung, I'm taking those to my room since I can't stay here long otherwise my room will end up haunted.", Eun-ha uses the towel around her neck and wipes her hair.

"I'll stay up to help you if you want. To be honest, I'm not even that tired surprisingly.", Suga also uses his own towel and finally dried his hair so he hangs it on the wooden chair on the dining table. He grabs the rest of the paper and pen and slides his feet in his slippers, heading towards the door. "Let's go."

She felt her heart beating again. She watches him open the door and gesturing her to come with him already. "Ok.", she mumbled and looked down, heading towards the door and with a creak, the door closes and they headed to her room.

When they got into their room, Suga was very excited. He flops himself  down on one of her Kumamon cushions on the ground next to the coffee table and slams the paper. "Alright, since you're good with doodling, try to mix that with your name Rha. Like mixing a song and dance moves."

"Well, make yourself comfortable then.", she said sarcastically and shrugs as she turns off the main lights and turn on the lamp. "Suga-hyung, do you like Kumamon?"

"Are you kidding me? I love everything about Kumamon.", he reaches for a plush from the end of her bed and puts it on his lap.

Eun-ha finds herself smiling without him noticing then flops down across from him. "So like this then?", she writes down her last name again but with the letter R forming fox ears on top of it.

"Maybe you could fix it. Like this maybe?", Suga leans over and points at another piece of paper using her pen and doodles around her name.

Of course, even us, fangirls, can't help it. We'd probably do the same thing too. Eun-ha steals a glance from him and bites her lip, looking down to the doodle. 

Compared to the other hyungs, Suga-hyung doesn't seem to like me that much. But why does being with him makes me feel so relaxed? I mean, he was an asshole from the beginning. But people change, ya know? He seems nice now. But why? What does this have anything to do with my weird heart disease thing? Oh my god Eun-ha, you're talking to yourself! Stop it! Am I going crazy? Are you going crazy? Gah! Stop me from talking to me!

Stuck in her own dimension, she was clapping her cheeks over and over again and furiously ran her fingers through her hair. Suga notices her and flicks her forehead. "Oi, what the hell's up with you?"

"Nothing you should be worried about you nosy person.", she rubs her forehead and starts scribbling on what she was working on. 

"Aish this punk. You're a freakin weirdo. You know that?", Suga rolls his eyes and continues on what he was doing.

Time passed, Eun-ha already had her face on the desk snoring. Suga blinks a couple of times and decided to call it a night. He looks at the time on his phone and it was already eleven at night. He stands up and grabs the blanket from her bed to put it over her shoulder before heading out. One thing though. He turns the knob of the boy's room and then he realized... He locked himself out.

"Son of a...", Suga groans and facepalms himself. He goes back to Eun-ha's room and sat back on his Kumamon seat. "Great. Just great.", he rests his elbow on the table and puts his chin on his palm, looking at the sleeping Eun-ha. "I'm staying here for the night because somebody decided to lock me out of my own room.", he rolls his eyes saying it then sighs. It's not that it was bad though.

He hears Eun-ha's whistling snore and her mumbling. "Kookie... Stop eating my burger... Rapmon... Stop him.", she falls on her back and rolls on the ground, wrapping herself with the blanket.

"This girl I swear... What is up with her dreaming about food all the time?", Suga watches her for a bit and listens to her sleep talking.

"V... Jin-hyung is acting like a mom again... Ha... Ha... J-Hope, knock it... Off.", she turns to the other side and grumbled a bit more. "I hate you Suga-hyung... For giving me a heart disease... Why do you hate me?"

Suga snorts and then changes his expression back to his cool one. "What a weirdo. Idiot.", he bashfully grins and went to hit the sack on the ground as well.

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