"Goal!!!" Mikey cheered, shoving pizza in his mouth hungrily at the same time.

"Good game" I said smiling.

"Yeah, good game" Raph said with a smile, which slightly terrified me but not by much.

"Right, now that we've finished our soccer game, what should we do now?" Donnie questioned.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Mikey called out.

"Alright then" I said shrugging and everyone else agreed but Donnie had a worried expression.

"Alright! Truth or dare (y/n)!" Mikey said pointing at me.

"Hmm.... I'll say dare" I replied while shrugging, Leo and Raph instantly shuffled over to Mikey and whispered something in his ear, making Mikey grin widely and Donnie look more worried.

"I dare you to sit in Donnie's lap for the entire game!" Mikey said, making Leo, Raph and himself look at me and Donnie with cheeky grins.

My face blushed a light coloured red and I turn to Donnie, as if asking if its ok, Donnie looked at me and his face was bright red, he nodded slightly and I walked over to him and sat down onto his lap, making both me and Donnie blush a crimson red blush, and making the others giggle quietly.

"N-now it's my turn, truth or dare Leo!" I stuttered slightly and looked at Leo.

"Hmm, dare" he said.

"I dare you to do a handstand for the entire game and if you fall over you have to do whatever we say for two days!"

"Ok sounds interesting" He said shrugging and stood up, he placed his hands flat onto the ground and lifted his legs up straight into the air.

"Ok, truth or dare Donnie" Leo said looking towards Donnie.

"U-Um, d-dare?" He stuttered.

"I dare you to give (y/n) a hug" Leo said staring at Donnie with a smirk.

Donnie's face instantly blushed a dark shade of red when Leo said that and gave me a quick hug, which I quickly gave him a hug back and he let me go.

"A-alright! Truth or dare Raph!!" Donnie said quickly.

"I say truth since we've already had you three do dare" he said shrugging.

"If you were to ever be nice to anyone for a day, who would it be?"

"Uh...." Raph said in confusion as he looked around the room.

"I'd have to say..... you I guess?" He said in confusion.

"Me?" Donnie said pointing to himself with a confused and shocked expression.

"Yeah you, I'm only not nice to Mikey cause he annoys the shell out of me, I am not nice to Leo cause I only tease him about being leader cause it's fun and I am always not nice to you cause your a nerd" he said chuckling.

"Hey!" Donnie said sending Raph a glare, causing us all to laugh.

"Alright, truth or dare Mikey?" Raph said looking at Mikey.

"Dare!!" He said happily.

"I dare you to eat your least favourite food" Raph said.

"Oh no not Brussels sprouts!!!!!" Mikey cried out unhappily.

"Can I at least add it to pizza?" Mikey questioned.

"Nope, not unless you want to be called a chicken for the rest of the week" Raph responded with a smirk.

"Aww fine....." Mikey said in disappointment.

Mikey got up and walked into the kitchen, opened the fridge and grabbed a handful of brussel sprouts, walked back over to us and sat down.

"Do I really have to?" He questioned again.

"Yep" Raph simply replied.

Mikey looked at the brussel sprouts and his face showed a grossed out expression, he took one of the brussel sprouts, ate it and hesitantly swallowed it.

"Alright I've done my dare..."

"Nuh uh! Your not done yet!" Raph teased.

"Huh?! How have I not done the dare yet!?" Mikey whined.

"You have to eat every single brussel sprout in your hand all at once"

"What!! You never said I had to do that!"

"It's still apart of the dare Mikey, so get over it..." Raph said bluntly.

Mikey poked his tongue out at Raph, looked at the brussel sprouts again and hesitantly ate them all at once, swallowing them and having a disgusted expression wash over hid face.

"Alright, since everyone has done their truths or dares, played soccer and raced across the rooftops, I think it's safe to say that we should get some rest" Leo said standing up, everyone nodding in agreement and standing up too.

"Goodnight everyone" Leo said waving slightly and walking off.

"Night Leo" we all said in sync, soon separating and walking off into our own rooms, laying down on our beds and falling asleep almost instantly.

Hey guys! So so sorry for the late update, and sorry for most of the updates being late recently.
I'm slightly having trouble to think of new ideas for new chapters and I don't want to keep you guys waiting for too long.
However, for me school holidays are coming up soon since tomorrow is my last day of school, yay!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, leave a comment, a vote and I'll see you! In the next chapter.... bu-bye~!

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