Everyone in the throne room was listening very carefully now. They all wondered why Chaos reacted the way he did at the mention of Percy.

"How do you know him?" asked Zeus curiously.

Chaos sighed. "I can't tell you the whole truth," he said, as some people looked at him confused. "But you can say, I met Perseus, when... well when I finally found him. Trust me, it took a while." He frowned.

It took him about three months to finally find Perseus for the first time, and that was his eighth assassination.

Athena frowned too. "What do you mean, you found him?" she asked.

Chaos groaned again. He massaged his temples... again. He then looked at everyone in the room and sighed.

He threw his hands in frustration and shouted. "I can't catch him!"

Everyone sat there shocked. The most powerful being in the universe, can't seem to catch a... partly immortal demigod? But why was he trying to do so in the first place?

Artemis was the first to speak. "What do you mean Lord Chaos? Has he done something wrong?"

Chaos created a black throne in the middle of the throne room and slumped in it. "No, he's done the exact opposite actually."

This confused everyone. What?

"Okay, I'm sorry, but what?" asked Apollo. He doesn't understand any of this.

Chaos sighed again. He looked at the gods, the campers, and the hunters. He might as well explain without revealing, that Percy's in the outer space.

He can't do that. If he did then the gods and the demigods would probably try to search for Percy.

And if he can't find Percy, then he's sure they won't, they would just make a disaster! So, yeah he can't tell them about outer space, yet.

Of course the gods already know about the outer space and the lives there, but they can't know that Percy's in it.

Chaos spoke. "Perseus has been... traveling for the past seventy years. And I don't mean fancy hotel and stuff. He's normally on the run, fighting some monsters or something. And, let's just says, he's got my interest in him."

Some people looked worried. Chaos chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm not after hurting your..." he trailed off unsure of what to call him. They did banish him after all.

Some people looked down in shame.

Chaos cleared his throat. "Well anyway. Over the past seventy years, Perseus has been doing things, I didn't think were possible to do. I've been trying to catch him for these seventy years. But I can't seem to do it." He threw he arms and frustration again.

"And why can't you do it?" asked a confused Hermes. He was worried about Percy. Percy was like a son to him, after what happened with... Luke.

Chaos sighed. "He always tricks me with his sassy comebacks," he muttered. He then put his head in his hand and groaned once again.

Everyone looked at each other in disbelief. Yep, that's definitely Percy.

Then Apollo and Hermes burst out laughing along with a lot of other people.

Chaos looked up and glared at them, which just made them laugh even more.

Once everyone has calmed down, Poseidon spoke, for like the first time in years. "Do you know where he is?" he croaked out, his voice seemed like it hasn't been used in a long time.

Chaos smiled sadly at Poseidon. "I'm afraid not. I have been trying to catch him, but unfortunately he always gets away somehow. Just like he did yesterday," he said.

Everyone snapped their attention to him after he said the last part.

"Whoa, hold up. Yesterday?" asked Thalia. She wanted to find Percy at whatever the cost is.

Chaos nodded. "Yes, yesterday was the first time I was able to find him after about, twenty three years or so," he said with a frown.

The whole room was awe struck.

Chaos sighed again. "But of course, he escaped... again." He now had an annoyed face.

Chaos then stood up, he waved his hand and the throne in the middle of the room disappeared.

He then turned towards everyone one in the room. "I am sorry to do this but, I have revealed too much information to you today."

Everyone was confused.

"I am trying to catch Perseus Jackson, but, it is not for you to know. When I leave you will all forget that I was here, or anything I said. We will see again... till then, goodbye." Chaos then made a vortex and stepped through it.

When Chaos left everyone looked around confused.

After a minute Zeus spoke sadly. "Where were we? Ah, we were talking about Percy..."

Not even one of them remembered Chaos's visit and words. Not even one of them.

* * *

Planet Chaos.

Chaos teleported right in front of the meeting room doors. He sighed. Well, here goes another meeting.

Chaos tells his commanders everything that happens, well most of it at least.

But he hasn't told any of them about the up coming war. And he won't... for now.

He opened the doors and his six commanders became silent.

He walked through the room and sat at the head of the table. He looked over at the chair opposite him at the other end of the table and sighed.

He will catch him some day. He will make Perseus his first commander.

Chaos spoke up. "I paid a visit to the Olympians today."

Even though Chaos got questioning and even shocked looks, he couldn't tell them that he was asked where Percy is.

He couldn't revel Percy's identity as Cedmi. Percy will only revel it to people he believes that deserve to know.

But the thing is, none of his commanders know that Percy is missing on Earth.

He just decided to change the topic. "Well, anyways, I have a plan." Chaos smirked. "A plan on how to catch Cedmi."

Everyone else smirked too.

The assassin called Cedmi. [UNDER MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now