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Author's Note:

Unbelievable, 700 views and counting! 69 votes! Thank you, my readers :)

May 2017

(Ghost The Musical audition: Seoul Musical Theatre)

"Moon Hyeyeon-sshi?"

At the call of my name, I turned my head to find a tall young man with small eyes in his early 20s. He wore a blue denim jacket over his white T-shirt, and had a guitar strapped to his back.

"That's me," I responded, "You... must be Jung Taewoong-sshi," my eyes went back to my notes, which marked the name of my partner.

He nodded, extending his hands to me.

After an exchange of handshake and introductions, we sat down in one corner of the hall and unpacked. All one hundred hopefuls who had received a call back for the auditions were split into pairs. We were all given a scene to practice and performances are due in the next two hours.

To be exact, there were ninety-nine hopefuls vying for the leading roles. One spot had already been taken, the casting being done much earlier.

Oh crap. Why am I thinking about him again??

"I wasn't joking when I said I'll give it a go."

The memory from yesterday's episode replayed on my mind, and my tongue nervously traced the corner of my lips. Sitting up straight, I took in a deep gush of air and worked on slowing my breaths.

This is not the time to be daydreaming. Focus, Hyeyeon, focus.

"Shall we go through the lines?" I was thankful when my younger-than-me partner interrupted my train of thoughts and brought me back to reality.

"Definitely," I offered a nervous smile, "So... what did we get?"

"Wow, we're going to act out the final scene of the musical," Taewoong studied his script, explaining the context.

"Isn't that where Molly gets to finally see the ghost of Sam?"

"It is. They meet for a minute of two, with the help of Oda Mae the medium. Sam finally tells Molly he loves her, and they share a kiss before saying goodbye."

My brows get worked up as I realized what an emotional scene this was, "This is a heart-breaking scene about true love. I can only imagine how unwilling they are to part from each other, for good."

"Portraying sadness is one thing, but there's also a kiss thrown into the mix," Taewoong stopped, looking concerned for my sake.

As I was the older of the two of us, I cleared my throat and responded, "Well... That'll naturally come out when we act, I suppose. We'll... we'll be fine. You can take the lead, and I will follow."

His eyes perked up, looking much more comfortable with his gaze, "I'm glad you think the same."

"Let's do a reading, shall we?"

(Two hours later)

(Hyungsik's Narrative)

I find myself being escorted through a sea of people as I stepped out of my vehicle. I waved back gratefully at my fans, flashing a big smile towards them, who seemed to have lined the entrance for hours. They were my constant source of strength and encouragement, and I felt humbled by their existence.

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