Getting Cozy

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May 2017

(Two in the afternoon, Hyewon's place)

"Stay with me," he uttered softly, "Even if I close my eyes, stay with me."

I nervously clenched the hems of my denim, "Okay."

Even as he fell asleep, he didn't release his grip from my wrist. The memories of me turning my back on him raced along my mind, and I wondered if he was afraid if I'd walk away from him again.

"I'm not going anywhere, Sik. I promise."

Slowly, I leaned on to the couch, my right shoulder against the hard furniture. There was nothing else that I could do, but to keep my breaths low, as my eyes went over his pale frame again. His eyebrows frowned but slightly as his deep breaths soon started a rhythm of its own. His upper and lower lips formed a thin red line, parting only when his philtrum occasionally stirred. He looked so peaceful, and I could understand why millions of his fans would do anything to defend him. His innocent demeanour undeniably provoked the protective side of many.

I found my free hand unconsciously lifted. My palm was now inches away from Hyungsik's cheek, but my fingers displayed hesitation as they lightly trembled.

What would it feel like to touch his face? Gosh. You must be out of your mind, Moon Hyeyeon.

It's not an everyday occurrence for me to sit this close to the opposite gender. Heck, ever since I lost touch with Hyungsik, I'd never let myself this close to the opposite gender. Like Soojin correctly pointed out, I'd closed my heart and built a wall for any guys to ever stand a chance. The idea and the possibility of dating, naturally became next to impossible.

My closed heart was now beating like a drum. Its doors are about to break open, reminding me why they were shut in the first place.

Terrified of what's on the other side, I retracted my hand and closed my eyes.

(One hour later)

(Hyungsik's Narrative)

The dryness hovering around my throat brought an end to my slumber. I cleared my throat and opened my sluggish eyes, grasping the time as I saw the clock on the wall. Itching for a glass of water, I bent forward to stand.

That was when I realized my hands had been holding Hyeyeon as a prisoner, and she was now resting uncomfortably on my left. I released my grip from her wrist.

I also let my original plans fall through the cracks. That could wait. Reversing my actions, I relaxed until my back was pressed against the couch.

Hyeyeon's chest was against her knees, and faint snores were coming from her buttoned nose. I smiled at her endearing sight. But more than the endearing scene of her napping; the very fact that she was here with me, made my heart reasonably happy. That we reunited, after all these while.

I took a good look at Hyeyeon, who seemed to be illuminating, the more I saw her. As she moved slightly to adjust her resting position, a few strands of hair from her fringe came forward, curtaining her small and frail face. Instinctively, I moved my body closer to hers, and my fingers tucked the strands of her hair behind her sharp ears.

It wasn't the first time I've tucked somebody else's hair, but it was my first for Hyeyeon. It felt strange and left tingles on my toes, but I noted it was something I could get used to.

She let out a deep breath, and what followed had me unprepared. In her slumbering state, her head lightly knocked on and rested on my collarbone. I gulped, noticing our proximity for the second time of the day. The smell of lavender filled my nose, just like her easy-going personality.

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