Chapter 1

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Hello! I come here from the future to leave this author's note.

I need to say some stuff.

1. Thanks for clicking on my book!

2. I wrote this when I was 13. I think it's okay, but be warned that I will be rewriting this book in the future. People have still enjoyed it, nevertheless. (:

3. I realize that the first few chapters seem really stupid. I went through and read this for myself a while back, and I could hardly stand it. But if you get past the agonizing first few chapters, you'll start barfing feels. Seriously.

4. I love votes and I would love to know what you think! So enjoy!!


Name: Natalie Cace

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Date of Birth:

March 17th. I write it on the empty line.

Today is my birthday. A new year at Madame Catherine's Orphanage. A year can bring a series of changes. A new height, a new weight, a new age. All of the information must be concrete for the new parents.

But I won't get any. Cathy never bothered to say it to my face, but teenagers don't get adopted. Now I'm the oldest one, but next year will be my last year filling out my personal information, because at eighteen I'll be asked to move out.

Height: 5' 7"

Weight: 129 lbs.

Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Brown

Background (list prominent):



I don't look Asian. Most people don't believe me when I tell them. They say my eyes are too big.

How offensive.

But I certainly can't deny that my eyes are big, even when compared to someone who isn't Asian.

My whole heritage was European until my great grandfather married an Asian. It fascinates me that one person can change everything. How your children look. What they put on their information form.

I sigh and stand up. I am in the girl's dorm. It's an attic room, long and narrow with a slanted roof. There are about fifteen beds on the windowed side of the room, all dressed in worn, faded, patchwork quilts and flat pillows, but comfortable all the same. The other side of the room, where the roof slants up, is lined with miscellaneous mirrors, a few vanities, and eight dressers. Approximately two girls per dresser.

I share mine with my best friend, Jill. She is the second oldest girl, at age twelve. How I envy the babies and children that never have to stay for too long.

But Jill has been here since she was five. Who wouldn't adopt a cute little redhead with freckles? Probably anyone, except that she's a package deal.

You can't take a girl and leave her twin brother, or vice versa. Most people in this little town only want one child. Why double the paperwork when you could adopt a pretty blond instead?

Jill and her brother, Preston, don't have it much peachier than I.

I exit the door on the far end of the room. The door to the boy's dorm is right across from ours. But I am not headed there. Instead I turn right, and go down the stairs to the Main Room.

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