Enigmatic - Jun #2

Start from the beginning

Giving it a moment of thought, you decided it couldn't hurt to go, "I'll come as long as you do my school work for me."

He laughed, "Yeah, okay. Whatever you say. Now, let's go!" Jun ran over to the driver's side as you slide into the passenger seat.

"Where are we going?" You asked as he started the car.

"Oh, I've got a... thing for us to do today, so just chill until we get there." He smirked at you and speeded away from your house.


You chilled so much that you fell asleep. The ride was long and you hadn't slept much last night so it just seemed convenient. Jun did try to talk to you multiple times but your drowsiness just took over.

You felt someone shaking you, "[Y/N]! Wake up, we're here!"

You slowly opened your eyes to reveal Jun hanging over you through your car door. He had a big, stupid grin on his face. You weren't sure why, because your destination was an old rundown barn.

"Where is here?" You questioned as you shielded your eyes from the bright sun.

"Well, I call it a birthplace."


Jun walked away to give you space to get out of the car, "All of my friends: Minghao, Soonyoung, Joshua... have been reborn here. Along with me!"

You raised your brows in interest, "What is reborn supposed to mean? What do we have to do here?"

Jun started walking further away, so you hopped out of the car to follow him.

"You sure ask a lot of questions, don't you?"

"I don't like the mysterious vibe you have. You don't have to keep that up around me." You went and gave him a light punch on the shoulder.

He grabbed your hands as you punched him and began to swing them at your sides, "It's a surprise that I have to remind you that we've only known each other for two days. We may know everything about each other already but that doesn't make it less weird."

"I guess you're right..." You moved away from him and moved in closer to the barn door. You nearly opened the door before you heard rustling inside. Jun wasn't paying attention, he was fumbling around in the car's trunk.

Checking what the noise was couldn't be bad, so you hastily swung open the door. In the middle of the room, a man was tied to a chair. He must've knocked himself over because he was shaking around on the ground.

He noticed you as soon as the light shone in. As you were walking closer to him, you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"This here, he's a bad man." It was Jun, "He's a friend of Sehun. Sehun really wronged Jeonghan; we were actually working with his gang until he went and pulled some shit." His attitude had changed. It was evident that he was acting more serious now, and it was a bit frightening.

"See, I could have easily gotten Sehun for you... We need to teach him a lesson first, though." Jun put his hand over yours and handed you a cold, metal item. When you glanced down, you saw a gun.

You almost threw it down, but Jun held onto your hand.

"What are you doing? I can't kill a person!"

"But sweetie, he isn't a person. That's a monster. Jungmo has killed hundreds of people for Sehun; you'd be doing the world a favor."

You attempted to pull the gun away from him, "This is not happening!"

"Your choice: you shoot him or we go back to my house." He held your hand tighter as you struggled.

"We can go back to your house! Just put the gun away!" Through your yelling, you heard the faint roar of a car but ignored it.

Jun nodded while he had a frown on his face. You came close to apologizing to him, but you didn't get a chance.

Your arm shot up. Jun's finger pushed against yours. A loud bang. You closed your eyes. Jungmo's muffled screams disappeared. The only thing you could hear now was ringing in your ears.

You felt yourself lightly being lead forward before opening your eyes. Jun was now standing in front of you, and he immediately gave you a hug. He must be back to his joking demeanor.

You peeked over his shoulder to see Seungcheol, Soonyoung, and Jihoon laughing. Soonyoung realized you were staring at them and came to pull Jun off of you.

"Nice job in there! I didn't think you had it in you." Soonyoung gave you a pat on the back.

"What are you talking about?" You asked anyone around.

Jihoon walked over and picked the gun up off of the ground.

He pointed it to you.

You fell backward onto Soonyoung, but he pushed you back forward, "Jihoon, don't bullshit around like that."

Jihoon sighed and pointed the gun barrel at Jungmo. More specifically, Jungmo's dead body. They are telling you that you shot that man.

You threw up on Soonyoung's shoes. You couldn't stand the sight of his blood, his wound, the flies gathering around him; or the thought that you had killed him.

Soonyoung started blurting out curses but Seungcheol shoved him to the barn, "You three, go clean him up. Maybe save an eyeball or something to send to Sehun."

Jun shot you a smile before going. Soonyoung and Jihoon all walked into the barn, leaving you with Seungcheol.

"Welcome to the mafia, kid."

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