Seventy six- Sam Winchester

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A/N I think I liked the way I wrote last time more so I'm gonna do that but if you don't like it I can go back and forth with how I write.


Imagine: you and Sam running into each other again after years of not talking

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Imagine: you and Sam running into each other again after years of not talking.

3rd Person P.O.V

You and Sam were best friends in college. The problem was that you liked him as more than that but he was with Jessica. After what happened to her, you went to find Sam to comfort him but he was already gone. You decided to do some research on it to hopefully help Sam out but instead got sucked into the supernatural world and became a hunter.

Years later, you never really forgot Sam but he was kept in the back of your mind. One day, you were on a hunt when two other hunters showed up. You didn't really pay much attention to their faces as you were busy fighting off the pack of werewolves.

When it was all over you turned to look at them, slightly out of breath. "That was great thanks guys-" you stopped talking as you recognized the taller ones face. He recognized you too. "Sam?" You asked. "(Y-y/n)?" He spoke.

Dean looked between you two, confusion written all over his face. "Someone wanna tell me what the hell is happening?" He asked. They both looked at him and Sam cleared his throat.

"Dean, this is (y/n). We were best friends in college. (Y/n), this is my older brother Dean." He spoke. You walked closer to them and held out your hand for Dean. He took your hand and shook it, a smirk growing on his face. "Maybe we could go get a drink to celebrate this little reunion." Dean said. You laughed and looked at Sam. "He's just like you said he was." You said.

You went over to him and gave him a hug. "Dean lets take her back to the bunker." Sam suggested. Dean gave him a look. "Let's test her first." Dean said. "The whole holy water and silver test? Fine." You held out your arm and let him slice you with a silver blade and splash you with some holy water.

He nodded and said "let's go." You walked out to your car and said you would just follow them back. After a quick hour drive, you pulled up to a big building. You gaped at it for a moment before leaving your car and following the brothers inside.

Once you got in Sam looked at you. "I'm going to give you two some time to catch up. I'll be in my room." Dean said, walking past you. "It was nice to meet you!" You called out. He hummed in agreement and you put your eyes back on your old best friend. His entire face changed from happy to concerned.

"I think you need to do some explaining." He said. You gave him a questioning look. He sighed. "Why did you become a hunter?" He asked and raised his eyebrows. You took a deep breath.

"Well after the fire with Jessica, I wanted to check on you. When I found out you already left, I decided I would try to figure out what happened. You know, try to give you some closure. I ended up discovering a whole different world with monsters and evil. I wanted to stop it. So I became a hunter." You explained.

He shook his head. "This is all my fault. You shouldn't have ever been introduced to this life. You could be a lawyer right now. Why would you do this to yourself? You could find someone and fall in love and have a family!" He said.

"I couldn't though. I was sort of an outcast until you showed up. There wasn't much for me after you left so why not make something out of it?" You tried to keep your voice level.

"Every day you're risking your life." "And so are you. Why did you become a hunter anyways?" "I was raised into it that's why I ran away to Stanford." He explained. You sighed and sat down.

"I made this choice Sam. I'm sticking to it." You said. He put his hands on the table and looked down. Suddenly he smacked his fist on it and looked at you. "Why would you do this to yourself?!" You could feel yourself getting angrier.

"Because you jackass! I was in love with my best friend and he was with someone else and when he suddenly ran away when that someone else just died, I figured I should try to help him! So I tried and I got sucked in. I did it for you! And you have no idea how hard it was seeing you on the news being blamed for what monsters have done and always thinking back to when times were simpler. You left Sam and never even tried to make contact again even though you knew you were all I had so don't get all pissy at me when I should be pissy at you!" You exploded, not even realizing you confessed your feelings.

He stared at you. "She has feelings for me too?" He thought to himself. You suddenly realized what you said and looked back at him, covering your mouth. "I'm so sorry." You said, barely above a whisper.

He got out of his trance and shook his head. "(Y/n) I had no idea." He said. "It's ok forget it." You tried to get up and run but he grabbed you and pressed his lips to yours.

It was a sweet and gentle kiss but it was full of all the emotions they held back through all the years. You both pulled away and stared into each other's eyes.

"I've been waiting to do that for a long time." He muttered. You smiled up at him. "Me too." "W-would you like to maybe stick around?" He asked. You smiled even wider and wrapped your arms around him in a tight embrace. "I would love to."


A/N wow that was long as hell ok probably not my best work

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