Ch. 8 - Jackson vs Eun-ha

Start from the beginning

Eun-ha shrieks and grabs a white Kumamon from her bed and then the two began a plush fight. Talk about adorable. "What do you mean open? I remember closing—", she freezes and thinks. Memories of last night rushed through her mind.

What happened last night...

"Oh my god heart stop it!", she shushes herself and kept hitting her chest as if she was trying to stop her heart from beating. "What's wrong with me!", she bites her hand and rushes to her bed, jumping. She lands on her face and she starts kicking on her bed. "It feels so weird. What is this feeling?", she screams on her Kumamon plush for a good one minute then relaxes. "Ok, ok. Eun-ha, you're not mentally problematic. Maybe you just have some heart disease.", her hands reached for her chest and soothes the corner of where hearts are suppose to be. It was still beating really fast. She grabs her one of her Kumamon plushies and hugs it to death as the eyes pop out. "Damn it!", she shrieks. She forgot to lock the door.

Back to reality, Eun-ha shrieks again in dismay.

"This is all your fault Suga!", Eun-ha shouted.

"Ha? What the hell did I do!", Suga shouted back.

"You—", Eun-ha was cut off as her phone started ringing. She hops off her bed and grabs her phone. "Hello? Ah, Sang-hun.", she smiles but then her smile faded. "HA? What do you mean you need me? Did you pick a fight again? Damn it Sang-hun. Alright, I'll be there later. Text Jun, get Chul-gyeong ready as well. You guys need to stop picking fights cuz I've been busy!", she turns off her phone and runs her fingers through her hair and turns to her hyungs. "Do you guys have anything planned today?"

Jin fixes his apron. "You sounded very troubled there Eun-ha. Come with Jin-hyungie and I'll make you food then we'll talk."

"Hyung, it's fine. I'll see you guys later. I'm heading back to my old apartment and then to Jun's house. I won't be back maybe a little bit later than midnight so don't wait for me for dinner. So if you please, I need to take my shower. Don't worry, I'll say goodbye mothers.", Eun-ha slyly grins and pushes them both out of her room.

A little bit of time passed when Eun-ha got out of the shower, her phone rang again. It was a message from an unknown number.

You may not remember me but I'm an old friend of Jun's. I kind of pushed your other friend a little bit to get you to come down. Anyways, I'll see you at the underground, cute Kitsune.

"Gross.", Eun-ha hisses and puts on her clothes while wiping down her hair. "Who the hell could this be now?"

After she finished, she headed to the boys' room. She wore her black varsity jacket, black jeans, black sneakers and of course, her volcom hat. She grabs what she needed, her phone, keys and mask the rushes out of her room, locking it and headed next door.

"Looking good Eun-ha. Heading somewhere?", J-Hope smiles at her while playing on his phone.

Eun-ha nods and puts on her first mask which is the half face one. "Yeah, one of my friends started an underground battle without me. And it's kind of hard because I'm working with some stuff too.", she sighs. "But anyways, I'm heading out hyungs."

Suga stares at her and Jin notices. "Wait Eun-ha.", the eldest called. "If we're done with what we are doing, can we stop by to see you at the underground?"

She blinks in surprise and digs through the phone pocket and pulls out a small card. "That's the invitation for you to get in. I already have my title so I don't need it. If you ever come later, you'll know what I look like.", she smirks at them and puts on her full mask before heading out.

"So, who wants to go later? Cuz I know I can't.", Jin laughs.

"I do!", V raises his hand from the table.

Jungkook raises both of his hands in the air then they all turned to lazy Suga. "Fine...", Suga groaned.

Hours and hours later, the street lights lit up and of course, music pounded from the underground entrance.

"Welcome slaves!", said the MC on the DJ station. "Tonight, we got some spicy stuff happening on the battleground! A professional that calls himself Jackson and his boys challenged Kitsune's pack! It's showdown people!"

Lights dimmed down and dancing lights blinked everywhere. Folks opened a path for Eun-ha and her boys. The boys walked behind her as she takes the lead. All four of them wore masks too. But Eun-ha was the only fox one and the boys were the wolves. Looking cool eh? As they approach the battleground, spotlights flickered their way and the crowd cheered. From the opposite direction, is a familiar person walking towards the Pack with a grin on his face.

"Heya cutie! Nice for you to show up."

Jun grabs Eun-ha's shoulder and hides her behind him. "Jackson, what in the world are you doing here?"

"Ah ah. Jun, stand down.", Eun-ha's voice muffled from her whole mask. "Jackson was it?", she said while tilting her head with a mocking tone. "You got the nerves to threaten my friend for a showdown. Huh, I'm sure you wouldn't like me to punch you in the fucking fa—", she rolls her fist back but she was stopped by Chul-gyeong as he grabs her hand.

Jackson smiles innocently and eyes Jun. "Well cutie, how about we start now?", he turns to the DJ and raises his finger. "Hit it!", he grins and his eyes met Eun-ha's. "You really forgot about something important. Didn't you?"

GOT7's Hard Carry started playing on the speakers then both teams started their moves. Surprisingly, all of them were in sync. Not only that, they also had the same dance moves. It was starting to get really weird. The crowd mumbled in confusion but didn't really care as long as the show was very good. And it was.

Meanwhile, outside Underground were V, Jungkook and Suga. They stood, staring down at the staircase that was leading to were all the action was. The bouncer notices them and asks for the invitation card which they have. Thank the gods that they didn't refuse it from Eun-ha. They entered the Underground even deeper and hears the music and cheers playing. With perfect disguises, at last they were free from attention. Rather, their attention was caught as they spot Eun-ha taking over the dance floor on a one on one with Jackson.

"Oh oh, look at her go.", V shakes his head to the beat and swings his arms around Jungkook and Suga.

"Noona's gonna win this.", Jungkook grins and nods his head with the music.

The hyung silently watches...

When the song finishes with Jackson and Eun-ha closing in on each other for a headbutt, the crowd cheered.

"It seems that it's a stalemate! Two teams against each other to form one great performance is the greatest!", the MC roared on the mic.

Eun-ha growls and pierces Jackson's chest with her finger. "How did you know Jun's choreography? Don't tell me you guys cheated?"

Jackson laughs and swings his arms around Eun-ha's. "That choreography, is indeed Jun's. But, me and him are old pals. Me and him shared a lot. How can you forget something so important?"

"Jackson, that's enough.", Jun growls. "She doesn't remember anything. So stop it."

BTS went their way to approach them as the tension grew.

Jackson twitches but he kept going. "Kitsune, did you know that you're the reason why Jun wasn't able to continue is career?"

His words echoed in her mind over and over again. It was all starting to come back to her. But it was giving her so much of a headache that she slowly passes out, falling into Jackson's arms.


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